Course ID Course Name & Link Modules Name & Link
56082 10 Killer Negotiating Killer Tools and Techniques Module 01: Introduction to Killer Negotiating Tools
Module 02: Always Let the Other Person Go First
Module 03: Both Parties Feel Some Pain in a Good Negotiation
Module 04: Put It in the Parking Lot
Module 05: Leave Your Ego at the Door
Module 06: Don’t Negotiate With Yourself
Module 07: Know Your Deal Killers
Module 08: Put the Deal on Your Paper
Module 09: Escalate To God
Module 10: Be Careful Of Deal Fatigue
Module 11: Know Thy Opponent
63282 120 Hours TEFL (TESOL) Masterclass Introduction to English Language Teaching and Learning
English Pronunciation
Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
Language Teaching Methodologies
Teaching Receptive Skills: Reading
Teaching Productive Skills: Writing
Teaching Receptive Skills: Listening
Teaching Productive Skills: Speaking
Lesson Planning
Use of Games and Activities
Technology in Second Language Teaching Learning
Classroom Management and Student Motivation
Teaching English: Situational Approach
Professional Development and Employment
62967 A Comprehensive Guide to Budgeting Success Introduction
Why Are You Doing This Course?
How to Download the Template
Becoming Aware of Your Current Situation
Creating an Intentional Budget
Comparing Your Options
Creating Specific Budgets
Calculating Your Net Worth
Understanding Your Cash Flow
How to Pay off Debt Fast
Investing and Compound Interest
How to Track Your Expenses with Paper Receipts
How to Track Your Expenses Digitally
The Envelope System
Why and How to Create an Emergency Fund
How to Organize Your Financial Life
How to Organize Finances with Your Partner
28007 Accountancy Introduction to Accounting
The Role of an Accountant
Accounting Concepts and Standards
Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Balance Sheet
Income statement
Financial statements
Cash Flow Statements
Understanding Profit and Loss Statement
Financial Budgeting and Planning
32538 Accounting and Finance Chris Moore – Accounting
First Transactions
T Accounts introduction
T-Accounts conclusion
Trial Balance
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Variations
Accounts in practise
Balance Sheets what are they
Balance Sheet Level 2
Income Statement Introduction
Are they Expenses, or Assets
Accounting Jargon
Accruals Accounting is Fundemental
Trial Balance 3 days ago More
Fixed Assets and how it is shown in the Income Statement
Stock movements and how this affects the financials
Accounts Receivable
How to calculate the Return on Capital Employed
Transfer Pricing – International Rules
18765 Accounting Basics Lecture-1.What is Financial Accounting
Lecture-2. Accounting Double Entry System and Fundamental Accounting Rules
Lecture-3.Financial Accounting Process and Financial Statements Generates
Lecture-4.Basic Accounting Equation and Four Financial Statements
Lecture-5.Define Chart of Accounts and Classify the accounts
Lecture-6. External and Internal Transactions with companies
Lecture-7.Short Exercise to Confirm what we learned in this section
Lecture–8.What are Major Accounting Policies need to be decided by companies
Lecture-9.Depreciation Policies
Lecture-10.Operational Fixed Asset Controls
Lecture-11.Inventory Accounting and Controls
Lecture-12.Revenue Accounting and Controls
Lecture-13.Expenses Accounting and Working Capital
60096 Accounting Fundamentals Module 01: Introduction to Accounting
Module 02: Who are Accountants?
Module 03: The Accounting System
Module 04: What are Financial Statements?
Module 05: Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
Module 06: Budgeting and Its Importance
Module 07: Financial Markets and Bonds
Module 08: Dealing with Financial Risk Management
Module 09: Investment Management and Analysis
Module 10: Auditing and Risk of Frauds
59811 Ace Your Presentations: Public Speaking Masterclass Unit 01: Introduction
Unit 02: Prepare Well
Unit 03: Open Convincingly
Unit 04: Speak Effectively
Unit 05: Make It Enjoyable
Unit 06: Present With Your Body
Unit 07: Close To Applause
Resource – Ace Your Presentations: Public Speaking Masterclass
23106 Active training tools Drawing Learning from Experience
How to Taking a Bath Led to Archimedes Principal
Survey Help Us to Get the Training You Desire
Meet the Trainers
Reviewing with playing cards – a practical model
Activity Map
Facts: Action Replay
Feelings: Empathy Test
Feelings: Storyline
Findings: Goal Keepers
Findings: Horseshoe
Futures: Back to the Future
Futures: Missing Person
BONUS: Interview with Roger Greenaway
When to Review?
Not Enough Time for Reviewing?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Top 10 Tips for Reviewing
Q&A: Get Answers to Your Questions
Survey Helps Us Improve Toolkit
Bring Roger to Your Country
Experimental-ise Your Curriculum
Presentation to Persuasion
Final words
Resources – Basics of Active training tools
60259 Acupressure & Massage Therapy Introduction to Acupressure & Massage Therapy
Anatomy and Physiology Fundamentals
Techniques and Applications of Acupressure
Treating Specific Conditions with Acupressure
Fundamentals of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Techniques and Applications
Integrative Approaches in Acupressure & Massage Therapy
Self-Care and Professional Development
17470 Addiction, Anxiety and Trauma Prevention Introduction
The Art of Thriving
The Art & Benefits of Reframing
Advocate vs. Adversary
Dependence & Addiction & the Relationship to Fear, Phobia & Anxiety
Rumpelstiltskin, Grace & Enlightenment
Negative Core Beliefs
Family Beliefs vs. Personal Beliefs
Observation, Awareness, Mindfulness and the Ambivalence of Addiction
‘C’ Words for Change – the Power of Just One Letter
Attitude = Experience
PTSD – Shock vs. Trauma
Energy Packets – What are they?
Trauma List
Inner Dialogue
TAT Pose & the Three-Spot Tapping Points
Atavisms & Miasms
The Issue of the ‘Super-Sensitive’
Releasing Negative Feelings
Alcohol & Drug Recovery – other considerations
Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)
The Animal Metaphor Exercise
Daily Energy Tune-Up
Existentialism – the questions
Energy Medicine Healing Modalities
The Need for Forgiveness
Sydney Banks – Reflections on ‘The Enlightened Gardener’
The Tao of Tapas
The Power of Now
Attachment vs. Authenticity
Finding the Palace of Possibilities
Addiction & its Paradoxes
Addiction, Boundaries & Enabling
The use of Medication for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Live a Life that Matters
Things Have Changed
Resources – Addiction, Anxiety and Trauma Prevention
8140 ADHD Awareness for Teachers Introduction to ADHD
ADHD in Young People and Adults
ADHD in Family Settings
ADHD in Educational Settings and Parent Training
ADHD and Learning Difficulties
Cognitive Approaches in ADHD
The Organisation of Care for ADHD
31676 Adobe Illustrator Introduction
Document & Settings
Add & Change Artboards
Align images in Artboards
What Can You Do with an Image?
Making Standard Rules
Drawing: The Base
Use the Brush Tool
Blob Brush & Eraser
Text & Layout
Other Options with Text
Type on a Path
Filling, Lines and Layout
Apply linear and Radial Gradients
Stripes, Points, Arrows and Overflow in Lines
Applying Variable Width to Stripes
Adjust & Organize
Turn around, Merge and Shift the Path
Select, Group and Isolate
Scale & Rotate
Organizing Images and Layers
29003 Adobe Photoshop Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
What is the RAW Format
Understanding White Balance
Setting Exposure
Working with Color and Clarity
Updating Adobe Camera Raw
Using the Before and After Views
Resetting the Sliders
Understanding the Workflow Options
Setting the Camera Raw Preferences
Understanding the White Board Tool
Using the Color Sampler
Working with the Targeted Adjustment Tool
Cropping Images
Applying Straightening
Using the Spot Removal Tool
Applying the Red Eye Tool
Understanding the Adjustment Brush
Using the Graduated Filter
Applying the Radial Filter
Rotating Images
Using Curves
Understanding Sharpening and Noise
Creating Grayscale Images
Using Split Toning
Enabling Lens Profiles
Using Effects
Adding Grain
Applying Post Crop Vignette
Using Camera Calibration
Saving Presets
Applying Snapshots
Using Adjustment Layers
Painting Layer Masks
What are Plugins
Using the Nik Collection
Using HDR Pro Effex
Using On1 Effects
Processing a Landscape Image
Processing a Macro Image
Processing a City
Course Recap
24164 Adult Education Mastery Training Introduction and Welcome to Training Essentials of Adult Education
Hook Your Class – Part 1
Hook Your Class – Part 2
Become Their Favorite – Part 1
Become Their Favorite – Part 2
Create Your Presence
Understand Your Learners
Reach Every Learner – Part 1
Reach Every Learner – Part 2
Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 1
Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 2
Handle Resenters, Talk Hogs, Hecklers and Gripers
Handle Experts, Know-It-Alls and Quiet Types
Workbook – Adult Education Mastery Training
51602 Adult Learning Introduction to Adult Learner and Adult Learning
Understanding Learning Theories
Andragogy: A Theory of Adult Learning
Approaches to Adult Learning
Teaching Adults
Adult Learning Process and Practice
Planning Programs for Adults
Designing Learning Experiences
Facilitating Adult Learning
Adult Learning in the Digital Age
Innovation and Issues in Adult Learning
The Provision of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in the United Kingdom
25460 Adult Nursing Course Introduction to Nursing
Working in Different Healthcare Settings
Legal, Standards and Professional Aspects of Ethical Practice Part – 1
Legal, Standards and Professional Aspects of Ethical Practice Part – 2
Effective Communication in Nursing
Health and Safety in Nursing
Hygiene in Nursing
Infection Control
Asepsis in Nursing
Medication Administration in Nursing
Adult Care in Different Life Stages
Understanding the Immune System in Nursing
Rest and Sleep Management in Nursing
Mobility and Immobility Issues of Patients in Nursing
Pain Management for Nurses
Nutrition in Nursing
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Assisting with Elimination
Oxygenation in Nursing
22480 Advance Mathematics Introduction
Introduction to Mathematical Logic, What is Sentence, Statements and their Types
Introduction to Logical Connectivity, Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency, Pattern
Quantitative and Quantified Statement and types and example
Dual: Replacing of Connections and Symbols
Negations of Compound Statement, Converse, Inverse, & Contrapositive
Algebra of Statements and Law
Real Life application of Logic to Switching Electric Circuit
Introduction to Matrices, Multiplication and Addition using Matrix
Inverse of Matrix Uniqueness of Inverse, Elementary Transformation
Method of REDUCTION AND INVERSION with real life example how we can implement
Introduction to Trigonometric Function
General Solutions and Theorem
Solution of Triangle: Polar Co-ordinates
Rules and Theorems of Sin Cosine and Tan
Introduction & Combined Equations
Degrees and Types
Some Theorem
Introduction – vector Cartesian theorem
Cartesian Equation & 2 Point Theorem
Theorems & Problem Solving
Distance of Point Line
Skew Lines
Distance of skew lines
Distance between parallel lines
Equation of Plane and Cartesian Form
Linear Programming Introduction
Introduction to LPP (Linear Programming Problem)
LPP Problem Solving
53717 Advanced Certificate in Content Writing Unit 1: Welcome to the Course
Unit 2: Course Overview
Unit 1: An Introduction to Content Writing
Unit 2: Origin & Need of Content Writing
Unit 3: Increasing Demand for Content Writers (How You Can Benefit from This)
Unit 4: Career in Content Writing: What to Expect
Unit 5: Types of Content
Unit 6: Difference Between Content Writing, Content Marketing & Copywriting
Unit 1: What is Content Marketing and Why it is Essential
Unit 2: Creating A Solid Marketing Plan to Promote Content
Unit 3: Understanding Marketing Principles
Unit 4: Identifying Target Audience
Unit 5: What is Buyer Persona and How You Can Create it
Unit 6: Effective Formula of Storytelling & How it Can Lead to Sales
Unit 1: What is Copywriting and How it is Different from Content Writing
Unit 2: Write Amazing Copy Using AIDA Model in 4 Simple Steps
Unit 3: The Secret Formula to Write Powerful Headlines That Grab Attention
Unit 4: What is Call to Action ( CTA ) and How it Can Lead to Sales
Unit 5: How to Write a Sales Copy ( With Example)
Unit 1: Writing Principles
Unit 2: Number 1 Tactic to Write Awesome Content
Unit 3: Steps to Write Engaging Content
Unit 4: Free Tool for Editing & Proofreading Content
Unit 1: What is SEO
Unit 2: Using on Page SEO For Optimising Content
Unit 3: Using Off Page SEO For Optimising Content
Unit 4: Write SEO Friendly Content In 4 Easy Steps
Unit 5: Types of Keywords
Unit 6: Which Type of Keywords You Should Choose
Unit 1: Why its Essential to Promote Content
Unit 2: Effective Channels to Promote Your Content
Unit 1: Practical Tips to Overcome Challenges in Your Career
Unit 2: Qualities of a Successful Content Writer
Unit 3: 9 Serious Mistakes to Avoid as a Writer
Unit 1: 8 Simple Steps to Write Awesome Blog Post
Unit 2: How to Optimise Blog Post for Ranking in Search Engines
Unit 1: Conclusion
Resources – Advanced Certificate in Content Writing
Assignment – Advanced Certificate in Content Writing
56458 Advanced Communications & Public Speaking Intro – TJ Walker’s 1-Hour Public Speaking Presentation Skills Class
Quick Wins! The Secret to Using Speaker Notes Effectively
Avoiding the Initial Wrong Turn Most Speakers and Presenters Make
Developing Expert Judgment for Your Public Speaking and Presenting Opportunity
The Radical Yet Simple Solution to Finding Great Messages
Your Stories Will Make Your Ideas Unforgettable
Your PowerPoint Will Create Engagement, Not Slumber
Building an Ethical Cheat Sheet Just for You@
This Is the Do or Die Moment for Your Speaking Improvement
There Is a Perfect Test for Your Speech and Presentation
I Will Give You a Personalized Professional Presentation Critique Right Here
Continuing Your Path of Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Improvement
Promo Video – Persuasion in Business Communications
Quick Win! Increasing Your Odds of a Face to Face Persuasive Presentation
Always Select Your Best Persuasion Opportunities and Environments
Learning Persuasion Skills to Beat the Naturals
Mapping Out Your Finish Line – In Advance!
Moving the Numbers Game to Your Favor
The Unique Advantage of Persuasion in the Business World
Never Bore With Data Dumps Again
Master the Process of NOT Telling People Too Much About Your Process
The 5 Key Messages for Your Persuasion Success
Your Secret Source of Winning Persuasion Messages
Persuade More By talking less
There is Nothing like Seeing Your Persuasion Messages in Text
More for You, By Not Talking About You
Here is How You Get People to Remember Your Messages
Ironing Out the Kinks in Your Persuasion Presentation
Mastering Persuasive Body Language
Persuading Yourself to Go Outside of Your Comfort Zone
The Single Best Way to Prepare for All Persuasion Presentation Opportunities
Persuasion That Takes 6 Months is Still Persuasion
Persuasion is Sometimes More Effective at the Top Than at The Bottom
Conquering Your Fear to Pitch Again
Note I Probably Shouldn’t Have to Mention This, But Don’t Lie
Conclusion You Are Now Ready to Persuade
Intro – Listening Skills the Ultimate Workplace Soft Skills
Quick Wins – The Cell Phone Secret to Good Listening Skills
Stacking the Listening Environment in Your Favor
The Telephone Listening Trap Will Never Catch You Again
Housekeeping Note Sometimes You should Turn OFF Your Listening Skills
Setting Just One Agenda Item Listening
It Is Incredibly Easy to See How Well You Are Listening – Test
It’s Even Easier to Listen When You Do This…
Technology Will Eat Your Brain Unless You Do This
Using Your Most Effective Body Language Tool
The Best Listening Body Language from the Neck Down
Reading the Speaker’s Body
Connecting At the Emotional Level with Your Colleague to Hear All
Mastering the Art of NOT Interrupting
Engaging in Conversation at Just the Right Time
Strong Listening Creates Strong Reactions from You
Honing Your Sense of Timing and Judgment to Make You a Great Listener
Using the Magic of Pen and Paper Tools to Your Advantage
Summarizing the Conversation Is Great for You and Your Colleague
The One-Page Email Memo Summary Aces the Listening Skills Test – Every Time!
Conclusion – Your New Reputation as a Great Listener!
Intro – Body Language in the Workplace
Quick Wins – You Will Look Your Best on FaceTime, Skype, Facebook Live
Never Let These Two Classic Body Language Blunders Slow You Down
The Ultimate Tricky Body Language – Touching
Big Picture – Make Everyone You Work With Feel Comfortable Working With You
Your Nerves Will Never Show Again in the Workplace
You’ll Never Fall for These Body Language Myths Again
Here Is Exactly What to Do With Your Hands
The Composed, Confident Video Star
Never Spotlight Your Blunders and Mistakes Again
You are Now Ready for Prime Time TV
The Number 1 Tip for Curing Body Language Problems Is…
The Real Way to Improve Your Body Language Confidence
Great Body Language for Your Presentations
PowerPoint Will Never Turn You Into a Robotic Bore Again
Confident Briefing to Colleagues and Others
Keynote Speeches Will Showcase Your Calm and Confidence
Use a TelePrompTer Like a Network News Anchor
Networking Like a Pro, Not a Wall Flower
Handshakes, Greetings and Hellos with Poise
Once Last Chance for a Body Language Personal Critique….
Making Sure Your Clothes are Communicating Your Positive Story
Your Body Language Partner – The Friendly Spotter
Conclusion – Congratulations – You are Now Master of Your Own Body Language
3650 Advanced Course on Linguistics for TEFL Teachers Linguistics
Assignment – Advanced Course on Linguistics for TEFL Teachers
3614 Advanced Diploma in Child Development Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Stages of Language Development
Understanding Moral Development
51117 Advanced Diploma in Microsoft Excel Excel from A-Z Course Intro
Excel Job Opportunities
Excel Job Types
Microsoft Excel Marketplace
What is Microsoft Excel?
Who is This Course For?
Finding & Opening Excel
Excel’s Start Screen
Explaining the Excel Interface
Excel Interface Continued
Excel Workbook vs. Excel Worksheet
Saving an Excel Document
Customizing the Excel Ribbon
Excel Shortcut Keys
Creating Excel Labels
Entering Numeric Values in Excel
Formatting Date Values in Excel
Building Basic Formulas in Excel
Order of Operations
Relative vs. Absolute Cell References
Excel Functions Explained
The SUM() Function
The MIN() & MAX() Function
The AVERAGE() Function
COUNT() Functions
Moving & Copying Data
Insert & Delete Rows and Columns
Adjusting the Width and Height of Cells
Hiding and Unhiding Excel Rows and Columns
Renaming, Moving & Deleting Excel Worksheets
Adding Protection to Specific Cells
Protecting the Structure of a Workbook
Adding a Workbook Password to Open File
Formatting Fonts and Cell Background Color
Adding Cell Borders
Formatting Data Appropriately
The Magic behind Excel’s Format Painter
Creating Styles for Formatting Efficiency
The Power of Conditional Formatting
Grab User’s Attention using Illustrations
Customizing Icons
Create Compelling Graphics with SmartArt
The Commonly Used Column Chart
Changing the Chart Design.mp4
Formatting Elements of a Chart
Modifying the Data, Type & Location of a Chart
Print Preview Options
Excel’s Page Layout View
Printing a Specific Range of Cells
Converting Spreadsheets to PDF Files
Why Create an Excel Template
How to Create an Excel Template
How to Prepare Data for Analysis
How to Sort Data in Excel
Multi-Level Sorting
Custom Sorting Datasets in Excel
Applying Filters to Datasets
Creating Subtotals within a Dataset
Converting Datasets into Tables
Little Slice of Pie Charts
Finding & Removing Duplicate Values
The SUMIF() Function
The DSUM() Function
The DSUM() Function Cont.
The SUBTOTAL() Function
What is Excel Data Validation?
Different Types of Excel Data Validation
Adding Custom Alerts to Data Validation
Creating a Dynamic Drop Down List
Complex Validation: Dependent Drop Down List!
Creating an Excel Pivot Table
Modifying Excel PivotTables
Grouping & Filtering PivotTable Data
Drilling Down into PivotTable Data
Creating Pivot Charts & Utilizing Slicers
What is PowerPivot?
Activating the Excel PowerPivot Add-In
Creating Relationships between Data Tables
Using Data Models to Create PivotTables
How to Create PowerPivot KPI’s
Excels IF Function
IF() Function with AND() Criteria
IF() Function with OR() Criteria
Nesting Multiple IF() Functions
The COUNTIF() Function
Key Benefits of Named Ranges
VLOOKUP() Function
The Beauty of Excel’s IFERROR() Function
HLOOKUP() Function
The INDEX Function
MATCH() Function
INDEX() and MATCH() Combined
Two-Way Lookup with INDEX() and MATCH()
LEFT(), RIGHT() and MID() Function
Extracting Specific Text using LEN() & SEARCH()
Combining Text with CONCATENATE()
Quick Tips & Other Text Based Functions
Tracing Precedents & Dependents in Formulas
Showing Formulas
Grouping Data
3D Referencing in Formulas
Utilizing the Watch Window in Excel
How to Freeze Panes in Excel
Excel’s Scenario Manager Tool
Goal Seek in Excel
Compare Results with Excel Data Tables
Solver Tool
The Power Behind Excel VBA
A Look Inside the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
Recording a Macro
Saving & Opening a Macro-Enabled Workbook
Modules and Procedures
Objects, Methods and Properties
Excel VBA Variables
Referencing a Range
InputBox & MsgBox
Using Variables in VBA Code
If Then Else Statement
Worksheet Functions inside VBA
Creating User Defined Functions
User Defined Functions within VBA Scripts
Find Last Row of Data
Find Last Column of Data
With Statement
Debugging & Error Handling
Debugging & Error Handling Cont.
For Next Loop
Do Until Loop
For Each Loop
Assigning Macros to Shapes
Form Controls vs ActiveX Controls
Worksheet Events
Workbook Events
Fun with VBA Events!
Creating an Excel UserForm
Adding Controls to UserForms
How to Show an UserForm
Passing TextBox Values to Desired Cells
Passing Option Buttons to Desired Cells
UserForm ComboBoxes
Clearing Values from UserForm Controls
How to Close an UserForm
UserForms and Protected Sheets
Creating an Excel Resume
Getting Started with Freelancing
How to Become an Excel Freelancer
Top Freelance Websites
How to Get Your First Client
Personal Branding
Networking Do’s and Don’ts
Importance of Having a Website
Resources – Advanced Diploma in Microsoft Excel
58832 Advanced Instagram Marketing Unit 1: Welcome To The Course
Unit 2: Course Overview
Unit 1: Why You Need An Instagram Content Plan
Unit 2: Instagram Facts You Must Know
Unit 3: Best Practices For Instagram
Unit 4: Is Instagram Worth Your Time & Efforts
Unit 1: Types Of Instagram Accounts
Unit 2: Create An Instagram Account
Unit 3: Converting Personal Account To Business Account
Unit 4: Tips For Choosing The Right Handle Or Username
Unit 5: 6 Tips For A Perfect Profile Picture
Unit 6: Uploading The Profile Picture
Unit 7: Optimising Bio With Right Keywords
Unit 8: Optimising Your Instagram Account
Unit 9: How To Add Multiple Links In Your Instagram Bio
Unit 10: How To Stay Safe On Instagram?
Unit 11: Task 1: Set Up & Optimise Your Account
Unit 1: 3 Questions Before We Begin
Unit 2: Getting Into Instagram Mindset
Unit 3: Following Your Competitors
Unit 4: Finding Accounts To Follow
Unit 5: Download Your Instagram Worksheet
Unit 6: How To Stay Updated With Latest Instagram Trends & Happenings
Unit 7: Task 2: Finding & Following Accounts In Your Niche
Unit 1: Types Of Instagram Content
Unit 2: What To Post On Personal Account
Unit 3: 8 Things You Should Post On Business Account
Unit 4: Re-Posting Other People’s Content
Unit 5: Instagram Live
Unit 6: Using Instagram Stories
Unit 7: IGTV
Unit 8: Following Community Guidelines On Instagram
Unit 9: Task 3: Choose The Type Of Content
Unit 1: Image Size & Best Practices For Instagram Success
Unit 2: Clicking Pictures
Unit 3: Tools To Find Free Images For Posts
Unit 4: Buying Images
Unit 5: Create Your Post In 5 Minutes With A Free Tool
Unit 6: The Best Free App For Creating & Editing Posts
Unit 7: Design A Post With Me- In Less Than 5 Minutes
Unit 8: Task 4: Create Post For Your Instagram Account
Unit 1: Best Practices For Video Post
Unit 2: Types Of Videos On Instagram
Unit 3: Finding & Using Videos For Free
Unit 4: 9 Free Video Editing Apps
Unit 1: Ingredients Of A Perfect Caption
Unit 2: How To Include Call To Action For More Engagement
Unit 3: Simple Tips To Write Attractive Captions
Unit 4: What Are Hashtags + How To Choose Them
Unit 5: Hashtag Strategy
Unit 6: Publishing Post On Instagram
Unit 7: Finding The Best Time To Post: Manually (Free Method)
Unit 8: Free & Paid Apps To Find The Best Time To Post On Instagram
Unit 9: Task 5: Publish Your Post
Unit 1: Saving Draft In Instagram
Unit 2: How To Schedule Posts: Step By Step Tutorial
Unit 3: Best Scheduling Apps
Unit 1: Why You Need An Instagram Content Plan
Unit 2: Make A Content Calendar
Unit 3: Create 30 Days Of Instagram Content
Unit 1: Introduction To Instagram Stories
Unit 2: Types Of Instagram Stories
Unit 3: Stories: Walk-Through & Posting
Unit 4: Instagram Stories (Ads)
Unit 5: How To Re-Use Old Posts Through Stories For Maximum Engagement
Unit 6: Muting Someone’s Stories
Unit 7: Creating Your Account Nametag
Unit 8: Keeping Instagram Stories For More Than 24 Hours (Or Forever)
Unit 9: Checking & Analyzing Instagram Stories Analytics
Unit 10: Task 7: Create & Post Instagram Stories
Unit 1: 5 Reasons Why Instagram Suspend Or Remove User Accounts
Unit 2: What Are Black Hat Techniques & Should You Use Them
Unit 3: Black Hat Strategies To Get Quick Followers, Likes & Comments
Unit 4: Engagement Rate: The Secret To Instagram Success
Unit 5: Short Term Success Or Long Term Legacy Or Impact
Unit 1: Growing On Instagram
Unit 2: Paid Methods To Grow Your Instagram Account
Unit 3: Buying Shoutouts For Growth
Unit 4: Collaborating With Influencers: Part 1
Unit 5: Collaborating With Influencers: Part 2
Unit 6: Instagram Ads
Unit 7: Free Ways To Grow Your Instagram Account
Unit 8: Method 1: Engagement Groups
Unit 9: Method 2: Shout For Shout (S4S)
Unit 10: Method 3: Reposting
Unit 11: Method 4: Cross Promotion
Unit 12: Method 5: Consistent Posting – Instagram Routine For Maximum Success
Unit 13: Bonus Method: Giveaways & Contests
Unit 1: Adding Solid Color & Semi Transparent Background In Stories
Unit 2: How To Create A Peek – Through Background In Instagram Stories
Unit 3: Creating Attractive Story Backgrounds Within Instagram App
Unit 4: How To Use Unique Fonts In Bio, Captions, Comments
Unit 5: Adding 3D Text On Instagram Stories
Unit 6: Inspecting Instagram Accounts: Date Of Joining, Location, Country
Unit 1: 5 Ways To Make Money On Instagram
Unit 2: Earn Money Through Affiliate Marketing
Unit 3: Earning From Sponsorships
Unit 4: Promote & Sell Your Own Products
Unit 5: How To Earn Money By Promoting Other Instagram Accounts
Unit 6: Account Flipping
Unit 7: Obvious But Uncommon Way Of Making Money On Instagram
Unit 1: Introduction To Influencer Marketing
Unit 2: Myths & Misconceptions About Influencer Marketing – Busted
Unit 3: Types Of Influencer On Instagram
Unit 4: Platforms/ Websites That Will Help You Collaborate With Brands
Unit 5: 3 Ways To Reach Out To Brands
Unit 6: Checklist For Writing Professional Email + 7 Key Points
Unit 7: Sample Email
Unit 8: Important Do’s & Don’ts Of Influencer Marketing
Unit 1: Instagram Marketing On Autopilot
Unit 2: Hiring Virtual Assistants Or Freelancers
Unit 3: Conclusion
Resources – Advanced Instagram Marketing
Assignment – Advanced Instagram Marketing
57736 Advanced Mathematics Introduction
Introduction to Mathematical Logic, What is Sentence, Statements and their Types
Introduction to Logical Connectivity, Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency, Pattern
Quantitative and Quantified Statement and types and example
Dual: Replacing of Connections and Symbols
Negations of Compound Statement, Converse, Inverse, & Contrapositive
Algebra of Statements and Law
Real Life application of Logic to Switching Electric Circuit
Introduction to Matrices, Multiplication and Addition using Matrix
Inverse of Matrix Uniqueness of Inverse, Elementary Transformation
Method of REDUCTION AND INVERSION with real life example how we can implement
Introduction to Trigonometric Function
General Solutions and Theorem
Solution of Triangle: Polar Co-ordinates
Rules and Theorems of Sin Cosine and Tan
Introduction & Combined Equations
Degrees and Types
Some Theorem
Introduction – vector Cartesian theorem
Cartesian Equation & 2 Point Theorem
Theorems & Problem Solving
Distance of Point Line
Distance of skew lines
Distance of skew lines
Distance between parallel lines
Equation of Plane and Cartesian Form
Linear Programming Introduction
Introduction to LPP (Linear Programming Problem)
LPP Problem Solving
Assignment – Advanced Mathematics
50654 Advanced Mathematics Bundle Course
22212 Advanced Parenting Skills Advance Parenting Skills Promo
Training Goals
The Myth of: Nothing to It Parenting
2 Phases of Parenting: Point and Click Phase, Adolescent Phase
Adolescent Phase
Start to Teach Good Values Early!
Parenting Basic
Communication Skills
Why Do Kids Do The Things They do
Parents Pledge
Life Lessons
54872 Advanced Parenting Skills Introduction to Advanced Parenting Skills
Skills Required for Parenting
The Tools for Parenting
Strategies for Parenting
Relationships Between Children and Parents
Understanding Between Children and Parents
Developing Effective Relationships
Behaviour Is The Heart Of Communication
The Challenge of Parenting
Asserting Leadership Abilities in Children
25580 Advanced Safeguarding Children Introduction to Safeguarding
Laws and Guidance
Child Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Risks and Risk Assessment
Responding to Disclosure and Reporting
Things To Do After Referral
Record Keeping
3732 Advanced Sales & Marketing Techniques for ESL Entrepreneurs Marketing Strategy
Keeping Students Satisfied for Repeat Business
Creating a Unique & Awesome Curriculum
How to Guarantee Success
Analyzing the Business Model
Having an Efficient Business System
How to Launch on a Shoe String Budget
3751 Advanced Sales & Marketing Techniques for ESL Teachers Marketing Strategy
Keeping Students Satisfied for Repeat Business
Creating a Unique & Awesome Curriculum
How to Guarantee Success
Analyzing the Business Model
Having an Efficient Business System
How to Launch on a Shoe String Budget
57877 Adventures in Excel Module 01: Introduction
Module 02: Basic Functions
Module 03: Date Functions
Module 04: Random Numbers
Module 05: IFS so many IFS
Module 06: Text Functions
Module 07: Logical Functions
Module 08: Creating a Drop-Down List
Module 09: VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP
Module 10: Pivot Tables
Assignment – Adventures in Excel
60041 Adverse Childhood Experiences Module 01: Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences
Module 02: Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Module 03: Risk and Protective Factors
Module 04: Physical and Emotional Abuse
Module 05: Physical and Emotional Neglect
Module 06: Sexual Abuse
Module 07: Household dysfunction
Module 08: Bullying
Module 09: Parental Substance Abuse
Module 10: Discrimination and Racism
27641 Agricultural Science Introduction to Agricultural Science
Horticulture and the Nursery Production
Plant Propagation
Soil Science
Plant Nutrition
Controlling Plant Pests
Weed Control
Home Gardening
Ornamental Plants
Cut Flowers
Animal Farming – Raising Beef Cattle
Animal Farming – Milking of Dairy Cattle
25493 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Course Fundamentals of Heat, Air conditioning and Refrigeration
Air Conditioning Systems
Compressors, Water Chillers, and Fans
Refrigeration and Refrigerants
Installation and Construction of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Food Refrigeration
Indoor Air Quality
13111 Algebra Teaching Level 3 Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 What is Algebra
Lecture 3 Simple Equations
Lecture 4 What are Polynomials
Lecture 5 Terms in Polynomials
Lecture 6 Degree of Polynomials
Lecture 7 Writing statements to algebraic form
Lecture 8 Integers and common mistakes in solving integers
Lecture 9 Arrangement of Terms
Lecture 10 Powers on integers
Lecture11 Simplification using BODMAS
Lecture 12 Distributive Properties in Polynomials
Lecture 13 Simplify Polynomials
Lecture 14 Additions of Polynomials
Lecture 15 Subtractions of Polynomials
Lecture 16 The rules of Indices in algebra
Lecture 17 Fractional indices
Lecture 18 Understanding indices (practice questions)
Lecture 19 Problems from IGCSE Last year papers
Lecture 20 Multiplication of monomial to Polynomial
Lecture 21 Multiplication of Polynomial by Polynomial
Lecture 22 Division of algebraic expression by a monomial
Lecture 23 Division of algebraic expression by another polynomial
Lecture 24 Division of a polynomial by another polynomial with remainder
Lecture 25 Rules of brackets
Lecture 26 Simplification by removing brackets
Lecture 27 Simplification of algebraic fractions
Lecture 28 Rules to solve linear equations in one variable
Lecture 29 Solving linear equations in one variable
Lecture 30 Solving complex linear equations in one variable
Lecture 31 Word problems on linear equations in one variable
Lecture 32 What are Identities?
Lecture 33 Identity ( a + b ) ²
Lecture 34 Identity ( a – b ) ² new
Lecture 35 Identity a² – b² = (a-b) (a +b ) new
Lecture 36 —- Standard Identities ( a + b + c ) ² = a ² + b ² + c ² + 2 a b + 2 a c +2 b c old
Lecture 37 Identity (x + a) (x + b) Identity Derivation & Application new
Lecture 38 Pascal’s Triangle _ Identity ( a + b ) ³ new
Lecture 39 Identities( a – b ) ³, ( a ³ + b ³) and (a ³ – b ³) new
Lecture 40-standard-identities-a-³-b-³-c-³-3-a-b-c
Lecture 41 –Changing the subject of formula
Lecture 42 – Linear Inequalities
Lecture 43 – Factorization by taking out common factor
Lecture 44 – Factorization by grouping the terms
Lecture 45 – factorize using identity a ² – b ²
Lecture 46 – factorize using identity (a + b )² and (a – b )² (2)
Lecture 47 – factorize using identity ( a + b + c ) ²
Lecture 48 – factorization by middle term split
Lecture 49 –Simplification of algebraic fractions
Lecture 50 All that you need to know about co ordinate axis
Lecture 51 Some important facts needed to draw line graph
Lecture 52 – How to draw a line graph on coordinate plane
Lecture 53 Drawing line graphs
Lecture 54 Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables- intro
Lecture 55 Graphical method of solving linear equations
Lecture 56 Graphical method – more problems
Lecture 57 Method of Elimination by substitution
Lecture 58 Method of Elimination by Equating coefficients
Lecture 59 Method of Elimination by cross multiplication
Lecture 60 Equations reducible to simultaneous linear equations
Lecture 61 Word Problems on Linear equations
Lecture 62 Polynomials and Zeros of polynomials
Lecture 63 Remainder Theorem
Lecture 64 Factor Theorem
Lecture 65 Practice problems on Remainder and Factor Theorem
Lecture 66 Factorization using factor Theorem
Lecture 67 Zeros of polynomials α, β & γ
Lecture 68 Relation between zeros and coefficients of a polynomials
Lecture 69 Finding polynomials if zeros are known
Lecture 70 Practice problems on zeros of polynomials
Lecture 71Problems solving with α and β (part 1)
Lecture 72 Problems solving with α and β (part 2)
Lecture73 what are Quadratic equations
Lecture 74 Solutions by factorization method
Lecture 75 Solutions by completing square formula
Lecture 76 Deriving Quadratic formula
Lecture 77 Practice problems by Quadratic formula
Lecture 78 Solving complex quadratic equations by Quadratic Formula
Lecture 79 Solutions of reducible to Quadratic Formula
Lecture 80 Skilled problems on Quadratic Equations
Lecture 81 Exponential problems reducible to Quadratic Equations
Lecture 82 Nature of Roots of Quadratic Equations
Lecture 83 Word problems on quadratic Equations Part 1
Lecture 84 Word problems on quadratic Equations Part 2
32562 Allergen Awareness Introduction to Food Allergens and Intolerance
Causes and Symptoms of Food Intolerances
Causes and Symptoms of Food Allergies
Allergen Facts
Food Allergens and the Law
Food Allergens – Practical Steps
Allergen Information for Consumers
Allergen Management and Risk Assessment
Packaging and Labelling Food
Other Common Allergens Part 1
Other Common Allergens Part 2
60374 Ambulance and Emergency Care Assistant Basics of Ambulance and Emergency Care Assistant
Paediatric First Aid
Catastrophic Bleeding and Airway Management
Basic First-Aid Techniques
Dealing with Minor Injuries
Trauma Emergencies
Ambulance Maintenance
24156 An Introduction to British and American Literature The History of Drama
Elizabethan Drama
William Shakespeare
Hamlet: A Synopsis of the Play
Hamlet: An Anlaysis of the Play
Hamlet’s Soliloquies
Jacobean Literature Poetry and Prose
Puritanism & The English Civil War
Metaphysical Poetry
George Herbert
Andrew Marvell
John Milton
The Restoration & Glorious Revolution
The Novel
Early Novelists: Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding
English Satire: John Dryden & Alexander Pope
Jonathan Swift & Gulliver’s Travels
Swift’s A Modest Proposal
Colonialism & John Smith
Pilgrim Writers
The Revolutionary Period Writers
The Knickerbocker Era: Washington Irving
Frontier Fiction: James Fenimore Cooper
The Westward Expansion
Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Transcendentalism: Henry David Thoreau
Anti-Transcendentalism: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville
Edgar Allan Poe
Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”
Poe’s “The Raven”
The American Civil War Era & Harriet Beecher Stowe
Walt Whitman
Whitman’s “Drum Taps”
Emily Dickinson
The Gilded Age
Local Color Writing: Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
Female Writers & The French Revolution
Mary Wollstonecraft
Helen Maria Williams
Harriet Martineau
Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Lucy Aikin
The Napoleonic Wars
The Romantic Period
William Blake
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Keats
Lord George Gordon Byron
Gothic Novels
Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice
Victorian Novels
Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights
Charles Dickens and Great Expectations
Anti-Victorianism & Edwardian England
Imagism & Gertruid Stein
Post War Literature & Ezra Pound
T.S. Eliot
William Carlos Williams
Archibald MacLeish
Modernist Fiction
Henry James
James Joyce
Joyce’s “Araby”
Joyce’s Ulysses
Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse
Ernest Hemingway and the Lost Generation
Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby
ee cummings
Robert Lowell
The Beat Generation & Allen Ginsberg
41094 Anaesthetist Training An Introduction to Clinical Anaesthesia
Pain Management
Essential Equipment
Regional Anaesthesia
Consolidating Basic Clinical Practice
Pharmacology for Anaesthesia
Cardiac Anaesthesia
Thoracic Anaesthesia
Obstetrics Anaesthesia
Vascular Anaesthesia
Ophthalmic Anaesthesia
Paediatric and Geriatric Anaesthesia
Career of an Overseas Anaesthetist
25773 Anaphylaxis and Basic Life Support (CSTF) What is Anaphylaxis
Treatment for Anaphylaxis
Everyday Management of Anaphylaxis
An Introduction to Basic Life Support (BLS)
CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
The Role of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Recovery Position and First Aid Techniques
14105 Anger Management Counselling (AMC) for Teachers Introduction To Rage Relief
Identifying To Prompt Rage
How To Control Your Angry
Benefits Of Meditation For Calmness
Affirmations for Anger Management
Healthy Habits For A Happy Life
Recommended Reading: Anger Management Counselling Course
60214 Animal Assisted Therapy Module 01: Introduction to Animal Assisted Therapy
Module 02: Types of Therapies with Animals
Module 03: Human-Animal Bond in Animal-Assisted Therapy
Module 04: Selecting and Training Therapy Animals
Module 05: Mental Health and Animal-Assisted Therapy
Module 06: Animal-Assisted Interventions
Module 07: Animals as Physical Assistants in Therapy
Module 08: Children and Animals in Therapy
Module 09: Assessing and Planning Therapy Programs
Module 10: Animal-Assisted Therapy Techniques and Activities
Module 11: Developing Therapeutic Relationships with Animals
Module 12: Animal Welfare and Ethics
31054 Animal Behaviour and Psychology Introduction to Care and Welfare of All Animal Species
Basic Animal Health
Evolution and Ecosystem
Animal Behaviour
Animal Psychology
25393 Animal Care Course Introduction to Care and Welfare of All Animal Species
Basic Animal Health
First Aid for Animals
Getting to Know the Dogs _ Puppies
Getting to Know the Kittens and Cats
Learning about Horses
Learning about Birds
Specific Information on Rabbits _ Guinea-Pigs
Specific Information on Ornamental Fish
27992 Animal Science Principles of Animal Science
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Cell Biology
Animal Microbiology
Genetics and Evolution
Animal Nutrition
Animal Disease and Medicine
Animal Behavioural Ecology
Pet Care
Wildlife Management
Animal Welfare
57513 Anti Money Laundering (AML) AML Module 01
AML Module 01 Summary
AML Module 02
AML Module 02 Summary
AML Module 03
AML Module 03 Summary
AML Module 04
AML Module 04 Summary
AML Module 05
AML Module 05 Summary
AML Audiobook
AML Course book
AML Workbook
21393 Anti Social Behaviour Course Module 01: Overview of Anti-social Behaviour
Module 02: Family Influences on Anti-social Behaviour
Module 03: Anti-Social Behaviour Order
Module 04: Anger and Anti-social Behaviour
Module 05: Understanding Antisocial Personality
Module 06: Prevention of Anti-social Behaviour
6546 Anxiety and Stress Management Coaching Introduction & What You Will Learn
The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety
Short vs Long Term Stress
The Effects Of Stress & Anxiety On Your Body
What Is Science-Based Stress & Anxiety Management
Proven Strategies & Techniques
Calm Breathing Overview
The Benefits Of Proper Breathing
Breathing Exercise #1 – Three Part Breath
Breathing Exercise #2 – Bellows Breath
Breathing Exercise #3 – Diaphragmatic Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Overview
How PMR Helps Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Complete PMR Routine
Exercise For Stress Management Overview
How Exercise Helps Reduce Stress
Stress Management Workout
Beginner Weight Lifting Routine
What Is HIIT Cardio
How To Design A HIIT Cardio Workout
Dieting For Stress Management Overview
How Your Diet Affects Your Health
How To Eat For A Longer & Healthier Life
Calculating TDEE
How Many Calories Should You Consume?
Healthy Weight Ranges
The Right Food Choices
The Best Foods For Stress Relief
The Best Foods For Energy
Supplements For Improved Sleep
Supplements For More Focus
Relationships & Stress Overview
The Health Benefits Of Strong Relationships
How To Build Stronger Relationships
How To Fix A Broken Friendship
How To Manage Stress In A Romantic Relationship
Organizing Your Environment For Stress Management
The Modern Problem
Why We Are Faced With Too Many Distractions
How To Reduce Your Decisions
Organizing Your Home
Organizing Your Time
Organizing Your Work
15271 Anxiety in Children and Young People during COVID-19 Anxiety and It’s Causes
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety in Children
Anxiety in Young People
Impact of Covid 19 on Children and Young People
Supporting Children During Covid 19
Supporting Young People During Covid 19
Managing Anxiety in Families During the COVID-19
Treatment of Anxiety Disorder
Bereavement Guide During COVID 19
5172 Anxiety Management PROMO – Beating Anxiety
SLIDE INTRO – Beating Anxiety
How To Overcome Your Stuck Points
How To Face Your Inner Demons
Overcoming Your Resistance To Change
Acceptance Is Key
Acting Against Angst
Self Imposed Obstacles
Preventing Burnout
Banish Worry & Live Panic Free!
6242 Anxiety Management for Teachers PROMO – Beating Anxiety
SLIDE INTRO – Beating Anxiety
How To Overcome Your Stuck Points
How To Face Your Inner Demons
Overcoming Your Resistance To Change
Acceptance Is Key
Acting Against Angst
Self Imposed Obstacles
Preventing Burnout
Banish Worry & Live Panic Free!
15092 Applied Behavioural Analysis Introduction to ABA
ABA Component Breakdown
Rules When Applying ABA
Foundation Techniques of ABA
ABA for Motor Skills
ABA for Language Skills
ABA for Cognitive Skills
ABA for Visuospatial Skills
Generalization in ABA Theory
Order Your Certificate
1181 Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Introduction to ABA
ABA Component Breakdown
Rules When Applying ABA
Foundation Techniques of ABA
ABA for Motor Skills
ABA for Language Skills
ABA for Cognitive Skills
ABA for Visuospatial Skills
Generalization in ABA Theory
Mock Exam – Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)
Final Exam – Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)
50657 Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Bundle
54420 Applied Economics Definition of ‘Economy’ and ‘Economics’
Economics – Theoretical Foundations
Macro and Microeconomics
Microeconomics / Demand and Supply Analysis
The Law and Time of Supply
Elasticity and Market Efficiency
Factors Affecting Demand Elasticity
Total and Marginal Revenue
Market Structure / Competitive Market
Monopoly and Efficient and Monopolistic Competition
Oligopoly and Monopoly
Monopsony in the Real World
Macroeconomics vs Microeconomics
Aggregated Demand and Supply, and GDP
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Economic Growth
Employment and Inflation
Full Employment and Underemployment
Natural Rate of Unemployment
Economic Policies
The Transition of Monetary Policy to the Economy
The Relationship between the Bank and the Government
Fiscal Policy
The Basics of Fiscal Policy
What does Fiscal Policy Affect?
Source of Market Failure
Structural Market Failure
Information Asymmetry
Exchange Rate and Trade Barriers
Interest Rates
Components of Interest Rates
Trade Barriers
Deadweight Loss
Financial Economics
International Economics
Transaction Cost
Labour Economics
Environmental Economics
Energy Economics
Assignment – Applied Economics
60413 Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Introduction to Aquaculture and Fisheries
Aquatic Species Biology and Physiology
Aquaculture Systems and Techniques
Fisheries Management
Nutrition and Feeding in Aquaculture
Aquatic Health Management
Environmental, Economics and Business Aspects
64560 Arabic Tayseer – Learn the Basics of Arabic Alphabet About this course
Lesson 01
Lesson 02
Lesson 03
Lesson 04
Lesson 05
Lesson 06
Lesson 07
Lesson 08
Lesson 09
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Lesson 29
Lesson 30
Lesson 31
27883 Architectural Studies Introduction to Architectural Studies
Ancient Architecture
Architectural Ideas and Movements
Architectural Styles
Art Deco Architectural Style
Scandinavian Architectural Style
Victorian Architectural Style
Classical and Early Christian Architectural Style
Gothic Architectural Style
Baroque and Rococo Architectural Style
Eclecticism Architectural Style
Modern and Post-Modern Architectural Style
Interior Designing
Colour in Interior Designing
Lighting in Interior Design Part One
Lighting in Interior Design Part Two
60363 Art Curation Introduction to Art Curation
Art Selection and Collection Development
Exhibition Design and Space Management
Interpretation and Communication
Conservation and Preservation
Marketing and Promotion
Curatorial Challenges and Innovations
Collaboration and Team Management
Exhibition Installation and Logistics
Curating in the Digital Age
Exhibition Funding and Sustainability
Final Exhibition Project
59816 Art of Meeting Unit 01: Introduction
Unit 02: Create A Vision Of Empowerment
Unit 03: Create Delegation And Accountability
Unit 04: Create An Agenda
Unit 05: Connect With Your Team Part 01
Unit 06: Connect With Your Team Part 02
Unit 07: Facilitate Team Building Activities Part 01
Unit 08: Facilitate Team Building Activities Part 02
Unit 09: Validate Individual Contributions
Unit 10: Keep Them Engaged Part 01
Unit 11: Keep Them Engaged Part 02
Unit 12: Answer Questions Part 01
Unit 13: Answer Questions Part 02
Unit 14: Roll With The Unexpected Part 01
Unit 15: Roll With The Unexpected Part 02
Unit 16: Close Well
Unit 17: Incorporate Delegation And Accountability
Unit 18: Substantiate The Vision Of Empowerment
Resource – Art Of Meeting
30350 Art Therapy Introduction to Art Therapy
Art Therapy: Psychology and Neuroscience
Art Therapy in Practice
Creative Therapy
Mindful Creativity: Colour and Creation
Art Therapy Techniques and Applications
Using Mindfulness in Art Therapy
Applications of Drawings in Art Therapy
Reflective Writing
Art Therapy for Children
Art Therapy for Adults
Art Therapy for Family
Illness and Art
The Art Therapist
52403 Art, Drawing and Painting Diploma Introduction
What is a Horizone Line
One Point Perspective of a Cube
Two Point Perspective of a Cube
Perspective of a Cylinder
How to draw a Perfect Sphere
Shading a Sphere
Shading a Cylinder
Shading a Cube
How to Measure
Compostion and placement
Finding the perspective and drawing the box
Constructing the Cup
Drawing the Drapes
Shading – Part 1
Shading – Part 2
Shading – Part 3
Drawing a Face – Part 1. Construction
Drawing a Face – Part 2. Refining the features
Drawing a Face – Part 3. Shading
Drawing a Face – Part 4. Final touches
Drawing a Tree
Resources – Art, Drawing and Painting Diploma
30369 Arts Management Introduction to Arts Management
Planning in Arts Management
Financial Management in Arts
Fundraising in Arts Management
Marketing in Arts
Organisational Perspectives
Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Cultural Policy
Globalisation and Internationalisation in Arts Management
Career in Arts Management
31612 Artwork in Photoshop 1. Intro
2. Scanning Your Artwork
3. Cleaning Up Your Work in Photoshop
4. Color Exploration – Digitally Editing in Photoshop
5. Creating Patterns
6. Resizing for Various Template Dimensions
7. Final Tips
15954 Asperger Syndrome Awareness Introduction to Asperger Syndrome
Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome
Other Considerations for Dealing with Autistic Individuals
The Effects of Asperger’s Syndrome
Treatment of Asperger’s Syndrome
18540 Assertiveness and Self Confidence Development Training Welcome
Difference between Self-confidence and Self-esteem
Lets First Find Yourself
Record and Watch Your Self Talk Video for better tomorrow
How you will consider your Mistakes Positive or Negative
Did you ever Recognize your Success?
Positive Mindset vs Negative Mind-set
Belief in your Decisions, followed by Positive Mindset people
Love the way you are
What is the Best Lesson I’ve learned as a trainer
You need to Accept your Failure, First!
Let’s Overcome the fear of failure
Something which makes you Really Enjoy and comfortable
I Know I can Achieve
What is Important and What is Not Important?
Set Goal and Achieve Goal
Just Believe You can do Anything
Low Esteem per Self Analysis Cycle
Good Esteem per Self Analysis Cycle
Rate Yourself (Rank: 1 low through 5 Excellent)
Smile Boss Smile COC (Certificate of Confidence)
Do you Still Struggle to Love Yourself?
Do you Still Suffer from having Self Confidence or No?
Self Confidence
53356 Assessing Mental Capacity Certificate Course The Mental Capacity Act
Assessment of Mental Capacity
Best Interest Decision Making
Advocacy and Advance Planning
Providing Care or Treatment to People Who Lack Capacity
Confidentiality and Record Keeping
Mental Capacity Assessment & Law
Public Bodies and Services Created by MCA Act 2005
Assignment – Assessing Mental Capacity Certificate Course
17549 Asset Management Training Using RBT Introduction to the Course
Module 01: Maintenance Concept
Module 02: Concept of Dependability: RAMS
Module 03: The P-CAM Process
Module 04: Origin of the RCM
Module 05: Actual Concepts of RCM
Module 06: Functional Analysis
Module 07: Failure Modes and Consequences
Module 08: Examples, Advantages and Responsibilities
55435 Attachment Development at Early Childhood Lesson 01: The History of Attachment Theory
Lesson 02: What is Attachment Parenting?
Lesson 03: Paying Attention to the Baby’s Crying
Resource – Attachment Development at Early Childhood
1196 Autism and Developmental Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Learning Difficulties Related to Autism
Autism Diagnosis
Cognitive Approaches in Autism
Dealing with Autistic Individuals
Other Considerations for Dealing with Autistic Individuals
Engagement in Autism Awareness
Mock Exam – Autism and Developmental Disorders
Final Exam – Autism and Developmental Disorders
8131 Autism Awareness for SEN Teaching Assistants Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Learning Difficulties Related to Autism
Autism Diagnosis
Cognitive Approaches in Autism
Dealing with Autistic Individuals
Other Considerations for Dealing with Autistic Individuals
Engagement in Autism Awareness
9996 Autism Awareness Training for Teachers Developmental disorder and Autism
Aspergers and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Introduction to Visual Aids
Effectiveness and Types of Visual Aids
Introduction to Visual Aids 2 – Social Stories
Meltdown Strategies
Functional Life Skills Training 1 – Self Feeding
Functional Life Skills Training 2 – Toilet Training
Mock Exam – Autism Awareness Training for Teachers
Final Exam – Autism Awareness Training for Teachers
55463 Autism in Early Childhood Lesson 01: Epidemiology of Autism
Lesson 02: Developmental Skills Of Children With Autism
Lesson 03: Behaviour Modification Model Of Autism Education
Lesson 04: Pre-School Education
Lesson 05: Verbal Relationship-Based Approach
Lesson 06: Cognitive Behavioural Approach
Lesson 07: Sensory Motor Therapy
Lesson 08: Nutrition and Nutritional Behaviors in ASD
Lesson 09: Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Lesson 10: ASD and Diet
Lesson 11: ASD and Nutritional Patterns
Lesson 12: ASD and Sleep Problems
30498 Autocad Design Module 1- Introduction to Electrical Design Drawing
Module 2- Introduction to Autocad
Module 3- Free Activation for Students
Module 4- Starting Autocad and Changing Background
Module 5- Drawing a Line in Autocad
Module 6- Drawing a Rectangle in Autocad
Module 7- Drawing a Circle in Autocad
Module 8- Drawing a Polygon in Autocad
Module 9- Drawing an Arc in Autocad
Module 10- Drawing a PolyLine in Autocad
Module 11- Multiple Lines Using The Offset feature
Module 12- Adding Text to Autocad
Module 13- Extending Lines in Autocad
Module 14- Selection in Autocad
Module 15- F-shortcuts in Autocad
Module 16- Dimensions in Autocad
Module 17- Multi Spiral Line and MLD in Autocad
Module 18- Block and Explode
Module 19- Move and Scale Commands in Autocad
Module 20- Rotate, Mirror and Fillet Commands in Autocad
Module 21-Area Calculation and Adding Layer in Autocad
Module 22- Saving Your File and Autosave Feature
Module 23- Drawing Fluorescent Symbol Using Autocad
Module 24- Autocad Classic Mode and Workspace
Module 1- Introduction to Dialux
Module 2- Types of Electrical Drawings
Module 3- Different Lighting Situations
Module 4- Understanding Different Types of Lighting Schemes
Module 5- Properties of Good Lighting Scheme
Module 6- Important Definitions for Lighting
Module 7- Utilisation and Maintenance Factor
Module 8- Important Notes When Designing
Module 9-Steps of Project Design
Module 10- Manual Calculation of Lighting
Module 11- Understanding Catalogs and Photometric Data
Module 12-Dialux Interior Design Task Part 1
Module 13-Dialux Interior Design Task Part 2
Module 14-Dialux Interior Design Task Part 3
Module 15-Wiring of Luminaries and Switches Using Autocad
Module 16-Types of Sockets
Module 17- Adding and Wiring of Sockets
Module 18-Panel Schedule for Lighting and Power Circuits
Module 19-Circuit Breakers and Cable Selection
Module 20-Single Line Diagram for Industrial Area and Riser of The Residential Building
Module 1- Voltage Drop in Low Voltage Distribution System and Manual Calculations
Module 2-Short Circuit in Low Voltage Distribution System and Manual Calculations
Module 3-Voltage Drop and Short Circuit Calculations Using ETAP Easily
Module 1- Effect of Current on Human Body
Module 2-Types of Electric Hazards
Module 3-Classification of Earthing Systems
Module 4-Components of Earthing System
Module 5- Design and Resistance of Earthing Electrode
Module 6- Design and Resistance of Earthing Conductor
Module 7- Measurement of Earth Resistance by Megger and Three Point Method
Module 8- Design Earthing or Ground Grid Using ETAP
Module 1- Sizing of Electrical Generator for Power Engineering
Resources- Autocad Design
28386 Automotive Engineering : Onboard Diagnostics Introduction
Brief history & Basic working of OBD
Onboard diagnostic apps
Exhaust gas-Diagnostics
APPS on Onboard diagnostics
Engine – Diagnostics
Diagnostics-spark plug
Diagnostics- Fuel injection
Diagnosis – Lubrication
41154 Aviation Law Training Introduction to Aviation Law Training
Growth and Benefits
Air Policy
Public International Law
Private International Law
Aviation Law
Criminal Law in Aviation
Commercial Law in Aviation
Rules and Regulation Relating to Aviation
Climate Change on Aviation
Environmental Impact on Aviation
Aircraft Management and Insurance
Airport Security and Operations
22455 Aviation Management Introduction to Aviation
Airside Markings, Designators, Lights
Air Transport Safety and Security, Dangerous Goods
Airside- Taxiway, Apron and Runway markings
Aviation Management – Further Reading
Aviation law and Insurance
Ramp Rules and Regulations
Cabin/ Inflight Crew
Effective communication Skills
Interview Skills
Understanding Body language
Customer Relationship Management- CRM
IATA Guidelines- Reconnecting the World during COVID
10521 Basic Astronomy for Teachers Basics of Astronomy
The Moon
The Planets
Meteors and Meteorites
Stars and the Zodiac
Galaxy, the Milky Way _ Black Holes
The Big Bang & Extra-terrestrial Life Forms
Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Multiverse
How the Universe Might End
20655 Basic Biology Course Module 01: Introduction to Biology
Module 02: Characteristics, Classification and Organisation of Living Organisms
Module 03: The Biosphere and Humans
Module 04: The Evolution of Life
Module 05: The Ecology
Module 06: Cells to Organs and Function of Organs
Module 07: Human Body
Module 08: The Plants
57880 Basic Business Communication Skills Module 01: Effective Communication
Module 02: Planning your Communication Part 1
Module 03: Planning your Communication Part 2
Module 04: Planning your Communication Part 3
Module 05: Exercise: Stakeholder Analysis
Module 06: Facilitating Business Meetings
Module 07: Planning your Meeting Agenda
Module 08: As facilitator, what should I be looking for?
Module 09: Tools you can use in Facilitation
Module 10: Facilitation Tools
Module 11: Exercise: Planning your Agenda
Module 12: Resource: Tools to help you Communicate and Facilitate
Assignment – Basic Business Communication Skills
57883 Basic Business Finance Module 01: What is Business Finance?
Module 02: Why Businesses Fail
Module 03: The Principles of Business Finance Part 1
Module 04: The Principles of Business Finance Part 2
Module 05: The Balance Sheet
Module 06: The Income Statement
Module 07: The Cashflow Statement
Module 08: A Business Finance Exercise
Module 09: Financial Performance Indicators
Module 10: Investment Analysis
Module 11: Investment Analysis Exercise
Module 12: Key Learning Points in Business Finance
Assignment – Basic Business Finance
12123 Basic Computer Literacy Training What is an Operating System
Configuring the Operating System
What is an Application
Using Control Panel
Hardware and Peripherals
Connectivity Devices
Network Components
Software and Concepts
Using Software
Software Tools
Hardware, Devices, and Peripherals
Backup and Restore
57918 Basic Data Analysis Module 01: Introduction
Module 02: Agenda and Principles of Process Management
Module 03: The Voice of the Process
Module 04: Working as One Team for Improvement
Module 05: Exercise: The Voice of the Customer
Module 06: Tools for Data Analysis
Module 07: The Pareto Chart
Module 08: The Histogram
Module 09: The Run Chart
Module 10: Exercise: Presenting Performance Data
Module 11: Understanding Variation
Module 12: The Control Chart
Module 13: Control Chart Example
Module 14: Control Chart Special Cases
Module 15: Interpreting the Control Chart
Module 16: Control Chart Exercise
Module 17: Strategies to Deal with Variation
Module 18: Using Data to Drive Improvement
Module 19: A Structure for Performance Measurement
Module 20: Data Analysis Exercise
Module 21: Course Project
Module 22: Test your Understanding
Resources – Diploma in Data Analysis Fundamentals
Assignment – Basic Data Analysis
11329 Basic Electricity Course for Teachers Introduction and Basics
Electrical Units and Ohm’s Laws
Direct Current
Alternating Current Basics
Voltage and Resistance
Capacitance and Capacitors
Safety Precautions
16005 Basic Life Support Module 1: Introduction to Basic Life Support
Module 2: Basic Life Support for Adults
Module 3: Basic Life Support for Children
Module 4: Basic Life Support for Infants
Module 5: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Objectives
Module 6: Airway Management
Module 7: Relief of Choking
Module 8: Initial Assessment Objectives
59010 Basics of English for Beginners Introduction
The Alphabet
The Alphabet (Special Letter Y)
Basic Structure Of Sentences In English
Time And Dates
List Of Basic Words In English
Singular And Plural Nouns
Count And Non-Count Nouns
Possessive Nouns
Pronouns (Detailed)
Be Verbs
Action Verbs
Adjectives (Detailed)
Comparative And Superlative Adjectives
Adverbs (Detailed)
Verb Tenses And Irregular Verbs
Active And Passive Voice
Direct And Indirect Speech
Prepositions (Detailed)
Phrases And Idioms
Auxiliary Verbs
Either And Neither
Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive Mood
Full Stop – Period
Question Mark
Exclamation Mark
Hyphen & Dash
Quotation Marks
Parentheses & Brackets
Final Lecture
Assignment – Basics of English for Beginners
60252 Basics of Marine Archaeology Introduction to Marine Archaeology
Tools and Techniques
Types of Underwater Sites
Prehistoric Marine Archaeology
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Advanced Technologies in Marine Archaeology
Current Trends and Future Prospects
55932 Be a Great Leader From The Start Introduction
Well Done!
It’s a Different Job
You’re Scared? Good!
The Manager Mindset
Set Expectations
Get Learning Leadership
What Is Culture?
Culture of Fairness
People Are Crazy
Mastering One To One Meetings
Are You A Manager Or A Coach?
Me? A Psychologist?
Emotional Intelligence
Mastering Performance Evaluations
Welcoming New Starters
How to Hire a Diverse Workforce
Get The Basics Right Every Time!
Assignment – Be a Great Leader From The Start
56027 Beating Burnout – Practical Stress Management Module 01: Beating Burnout – Introduction
Module 02: The Problem of Burnout in Modern Workplaces
Module 03: Symptoms of Burnout – Do You Have It?
Module 04: How Individuals Can Fight Back Against Burnout
Module 05: How Leaders Can Create a Burnout Free Culture
Module 06: Let’s Review The Advice – What’s Important?
Assignment – Beating Burnout – Practical Stress Management
27569 Beauty Module 01 : Introduction to Beauty Technician
Module 02 : Corrections
Module 03 : Tools
Module 04 : Foundations and Corrections
Module 05 : Colour
Module 06 : Eye Make-Up
Module 07 : Makeup for Eyebrows
Module 08 : Lip Make-Up
Module 09 : Types of Makeup
Module 10 : False Eyelashes
Module 11 : Makeup for Different Ages
Module 12 : Health and Safety
Module 13 : Creating Your Make-Up Kit
Module 14 : General Care of Hands
Module 15 : Manicure
Module 16 : Pedicure
Module 17 : Nail Art
Module 18 : Shellac and Gel Nails
Module 19 : Hair Types
Module 20 : How to Treat Hair
Module 21 : Hair Colour and Hair Shape
Module 22 : How to Wash Hair Professionally
Module 23 : Tool’s
Module 24 : Styling
Module 25 : Men’s Hair
Module 26: Up-Styling
Module 27: Hair Extensions
Module 28: Hairstyles
57381 Become a Great Leader from the Get Go What to Expect & About Me
Well Done!
It’s a Different Job
You’re Scared? Good!
The Manager Mindset
Set Expectations
Get Learning Leadership!
What Is Culture?
Culture of Fairness
People Are Crazy
Mastering One To One Meetings
Manager to Coach
Me? A Psychologist?
Emotional Intelligence
Mastering Performance Evaluations
Welcoming New Starters
How to Hire a Diverse Workforce
Get The Basics Right Every Time!
58207 Become Clear, Concise, and Confident Introduction
The Problem: Long-windedness
Concise Messages
Concise Sentences
Clear Points
Confident Pauses
Avoiding Fillers
Confident Nonverbal Communication
Next Steps
Assignment – Become Clear, Concise, and Confident
25895 Bicycle Maintenance Course for Teachers and Students Know Your Bike
Must-Haves for Your Toolbox
Regular Bike Maintenance
The Wheels
The Brakes
The Saddle
The Chain
The Steering System
The Gears
Pedals and Drivetrain
25680 Biochemistry Introduction to Biochemistry
Introduction to Cells
Organic Chemistry
Biomolecules of Nucleic Acids
60491 Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Introduction to Biodynamic Farming
Soil Health and Preparation
Biodynamic Preparations and Formulations
The Lunar Calendar & Planting
Biodynamic Gardening Techniques
Biodynamic Animal Husbandry
The Social and Economic Dimensions
Biodynamic Farming Case Studies and Success Stories
25683 Biomedical Science Introduction to Biomedical Science
Genetics and Biochemistry
Microbiology and Cell Biology
Biochemical Engineering and Enzyme Discovery
Toxicology, Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals
Systems and Synthetic Biology
Global Health Challenges
53348 Bipolar Disorder Awareness Mental Illness
Bipolar Disorder
Associated Problems That Frequently Co-occur with Bipolar Disorder
Strategies for Managing Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Social Inclusion
Caring for and Helping Someone with Bipolar Disorder
Challenges for Those with Bipolar Across the Lifespan
Risk and Bipolar Experience
Treatment and Medication for Bipolar Disorder
Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder
Raising Awareness About Bipolar Disorder
Assignment – Bipolar Disorder Awareness
15248 Blended Learning Diploma for Teachers Introduction to Blended Learning
Problems and Opportunities
Choose the Model
Use of Technology – Part I
Use of Technology – Part II
Working with the School and Its Policies
Discussion on Curriculum, Assessment and Monitoring
Learn to Implement ICT, Literacy and Numeracy Development Process as a TA
Child Development and the SEN Support
Understanding Behaviour & Relationships as a TA
Experienced TAs Maintain Strong Communications with the Students
28548 Bookkeeping Introduction
Difference between Bookkeeping and Accounting
Accounting Equation – Assets, Liabilities and Owners’ Equity
Expanded Accounting Equation – Revenues and Expenses
Accrual Accounting System
Double-Entry Accounting System – General Journal and General Ledger
Recording Transactions
Credit Purchases
Cash Purchases
Credit Sales
Cash Sales
Unearned Revenues
Prepaid Expenses
Unrecorded Expenses
Unrecorded Revenue
Types of Discounts
Discount Allowed
Discount Received
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Assignment – Bookkeeping
55859 Bookkeeping Tool : Google Sheets Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Google Sheets Users
Unit 3: Cash Bookkeeping
Unit 4: Advantages of Google Sheets in Bookkeeping
Unit 5: Chart of Accounts
Unit 6: Templates view
Unit 7: Invoice Template
Unit 8: Creating an Expense Book
Unit 9: Creating the Profit and Loss Statement
Unit 10: Making Records in the Revenue Book
Unit 11: Making Records in the Expense book
Unit 12: How the Profit and Loss Statement Updates
25802 Botany Introduction to Botany
Morphology of Plants
Cell Biology and Anatomy of Plants
Naming Plants and Taxonomic Classifications
Plant Physiology
Embryology of Plants
Plant Genetics and Evolution
Plant Ecology
Cryptograms and Microbes
The Gymnosperms
Angiosperms – The Flowering Plants
55109 Branding Fundamentals for New Business 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Why Do People Buy?
2.1 Standout as a Business Owner
2.2. Hybrid Model
2.3. Character Typology
2.4 Ikigai
2.5. BHAG
3.1 Values
3.2 Abilities
3.3 Mission
3.4 Vision
3.5 How to Use Mission and Vision
4.1. What are Archetypes
4.2. Paradise Archetypes
4.3. Structure Bringer Archetypes
4.4. Connection Seeker Archetypes
4.5. Mark Leaver Archetypes
5.1. Importance of Naming
5.2. Basic Naming Approaches
5.3. Special Circumstances on Naming
5.4. Naming for Solopreneurs
5.5. Brand Architecture
6.1. The Importance of Storytelling
6.2. How to Write and Use a Brand Story
7.1. What is a Visual Identity
7.2. Visual Identity Booklet
7.3. Working with a designer and Final Notes
Resource – Branding Fundamentals for New Business
5099 British English Pronunciation Introduction
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
Part 1
14825 British Sign Language (BSL) Course for SEN Teachers Introduction to BSL 
Alphabet with
Fingerspelling test 
 Names test 
Names replay
Greetings without voice try these yourself 
Family Vocabulary
Family vocabulary test your memory 
Question forms
Question forms test your memory
Family story test
Family Story Recap How did you do 
Rooms in the house Vocabulary
Kitchen Vocabulary 
Bathroom Vocabulary
Bedroom Vocabulary
Living room and Dining room Vocabulary
Study Vocabulary 
Utility room Vocabulary
Garden Vocabulary 
 Colours test yourself 
Questions and statements about home test
Questions and statements about the home replay were you right
Animal Vocabulary 
Animal vocab replay test your knowledge 
Short animal story replay were you right 
Animal and pet questions 
Animal and pet question replay were you right
Numbers 1-30 
Numbers 1-30 replay without voice test yourself 
Numbers 10’s, 100’s
Numbers 10’s, 100’s replay without voice test yourself 
Mixed number test
Mixed number test replay 
Money £1 – £20
Money £1 – £20 replay test your knowledge
Mixed money test 
Mixed money test replay 
Time 1 o’clock to 12 o’clock
Days of the week 
Months of the year
Time periods
Time periods replay test your knowledge 
Describing ages
Describing ages replay without voice test your knowledge 
Number and ages phrase test
Number & Ages phrase test replay
Mixed time, ages and money test
Mixed time, ages, and money test replay
Weather Vocabulary
Weather vocab without voice test your understanding 
Weather phrase test
Weather phrase test replay
Transport Vocabulary
Transport vocabulary without subtitles – test yourself 
Transport phrases without subtitles
Transport phrases replay with subtitles
Directions Vocabulary
Directions vocabulary without subtitles test yourself
Direction phrases test without subtitles
Direction phrases replay with subtitles
Hobbies Vocabulary 
Hobbies vocabulary without subtitles test yourself
Hobbies phrases test
Hobbies phrases replay with subtitles
Work Vocabulary
Work vocabulary without subtitles test yourself 
Work phrases test 
Work phrases replay with subtitles
Food and Drink Vocabulary
Food and drink without subtitles
Food and drink phrases without subtitles
Food and Drink phrases replay with subtitles 
The broken car (No Voice No Subtitles)
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party (No Voice No Subtitles)
New House (No Voice No Subtitles)
At the bank (No Voice No Subtitles)
On a train (No Voice No Subtitles)
Going to a restaurant (No Voice No Subtitles)
Going on a picnic (No Voice No Subtitles)
Job interview day (No Voice No Subtitles)
Horse riding (No Voice No Subtitles)
Valentine’s Day (No Voice No Subtitles)
A day in hospital (No Voice No Subtitles)
Learning to drive (No Voice No Subtitles)
Meeting up with the family (No Voice No Subtitles)
The broken car (with voice and subtitles)
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party (with voice and subtitles)
New house (with voice and subtitles)
At the bank (with voice and subtitles)
On a Train (With voice and subtitles)
Going to a restaurant (with voice and subtitles)
Going on a picnic (with voice and subtitles)
Job interview day (with voice and subtitles)
Horse riding (with voice and subtitles)
I’m lost and need directions (with voice and subtitles)
Valentines day (with voice and subtitles)
A day in hospital (with voice and subtitles)
Learning to drive (with voice and subtitles)
School Reunion (with voice and subtitles)
Meeting up with the family (with voice and subtitles)
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party (Bonus with voice and subtitles)
New House (Bonus with voice and subtitles)
On a train (Bonus with voice and subtitles)
Valentines day (Bonus with voice and subtitles)
Learning to drive (Bonus with voice and subtitles)
Tom’s 18th Birthday Party (Bonus with no voice over)
New House (Bonus with no voice over)
On a train (Bonus with no voice over)
Valentine’s Day (Bonus with no voice over)
Learning to drive (Bonus with no voice over)
Family Vocabulary No Voice over
Describing People No Voice Over
Describing People
Ethnic Groups No Voice Over
Ethnic Groups 
Religion No Voice Over
Clothes No Voice Over
Colour No Voice Over
Feelings No Voice Over
Feelings 2 No Voice Over 
Feelings 2
Animals No Voice Over
Activities At School No Voice Over 
Activities At School
People Who Work In Schools No Voice Over
People Who Work In Schools
School Vocabulary No Voice Over
School Vocabulary 
Subjects No Voice Over
School Vocabulary 2 No Voice Over
School Vocabulary 2
Jobs No Voice Over
Applying For Work No Voice Over 
Applying For Work
Office No Voice Over
Firm No Voice Over
Meetings No Voice Over
Time Vocabulary No Voice Over
Time Vocabulary
Activities In The Home No Voice Over
Activities In The Home No Voice Over
Activities In The Home
Go Out To Work no Voice Over
Go Out To Work
Do The Washing No Voice Over
Do The Washing
Flats No Voice over 
Leisure Activities No Voice Over
Leisure Activities
Hobbies No Voice Over
Going Out No Voice Over
Going Out
Plan Tickets No Voice Over
DIY No Voice Over
Attitudes And Opinions No Voice Over
Attitudes And Opinions
Opinions No Voice Over
Illnesses No Voice Over
Treatment No Voice Over
Eating And Drinking Vocabulary No Voice Over
Eating And Drinking
Drinks No Voice Over
Cereal No Voice Over
Fruit No Voice Over
Vegetables No Voice Over
Main Meal No Voice Over
Main Meal
Sweets No Voice Over
Hot Food And Drink No Voice Over
Hot Food-Drinks
Payment No Voice Over
Shopping And Spending No Voice Over
Shopping And Spending
Expensive No Voice Over
Shops No Voice Over
Travel And Holidays No Voice Over
Travel And Holidays
Travelling No Voice Over
Vehicles No Voice Over
Directions No Voice Over
Going Abroad No Voice Over
Going Abroad
Breakdown No Voice Over
Places No Voice Over
Holidays No Voice Over
Hotel No Voice Over
Beach No Voice Over
Complaints No Voice Over
Complaints And Compliments
Excellent No Voice Over
The Broken Leg (without voice and subtitles)
Surprise Holiday
It’s Snowing
Taking The Dog For A Walk
First Day At a New Job
On The Beach1
First Day At School
In The Park
On a Plane
At The Doctors
My New Kitchen
Designing a New Garden
The Broken Leg (without voice and subtitles)
Surprise Holiday
Taking My Dog For a Walk
First Day At a New Job
On The Beach
First Day At School
In The Park
On a Plane
At the Doctors
My New Kitchen
Designing a New Garden
First day at School
Taking the dog for a walk
At the Doctors
First Pet
Designing a New Garden
First Day at School 
Taking the Dog For a Walk
At the Doctors
First Pet
Designing a New Garden
level 2 BSL dialogues and story package
40751 British Sign Language (BSL) Level 1 & 2 with Bonus Module Introducing BSL
Introduction to the Course
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z No Sound
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z No Sound
Vocabulary 01
Vocabulary 01 No Voice
Vocabulary 02
Vocabulary 02 No Voice
Vocabulary 03
Vocabulary 03 No Voice
Common Names 01
Common Names 01 No Voice
Common Names 02
Common Names 02 No Voice
Common Names 03
Common Names 03 No Voice
Greetings and Introduction
Greetings and Introduction No Voice
Question Signs
Question Signs No Voice
Opinions BSL With Voice
Opinions BSL No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 01
Introduction Dialogue 01 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 02
Introduction Dialogue 02 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 03
Introduction Dialogue 03 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 05
Introduction Dialogue 05 No Voice
Clarification No Voice
Taking Leave
Taking Leave No Voice
Taking Leave 01
Taking Leave 01 No Voice
Taking Leave 02
Taking Leave 02 No Voice
Taking Leave 03
Taking Leave 03 No Voice
Taking Leave 04
Taking Leave 04 No Voice
Taking Leave 05
Taking Leave 05 No Voice
Describe People
Describe People No Voice
Personal Information 01
Personal Information 01 No Voice
Personal Information 02
Personal Information 02 No Voice
Family Dialogue 01 with Voice
Family Dialogue 01 No voice
Family Dialogue 02 With Voice
Family Dialogue 02 No voice
Family Dialogue 03 With Voice
Family Dialogue 03 No Voice
Family Dialogue 04 With voice
Family Dialogue 04 No voice
Family Dialogue 05 With voice
Family Dialogue 05 No voice
Family Dialogue 06 With voice
Family Dialogue 06 No voice
Family Dialogue 07 With Voice
Family Dialogue 07 No voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 No voice
Family Dialogue 09 With voice
Family Dialogue 09 No voice
Animal and Pets 01
Animal and Pets 01 No Voice
Animal and Pets 02
Animal and Pets 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 01
Describing Family Animals 01 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 02
Describing Family Animals 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 03
Describing Family Animals 03 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 04
Describing Family Animals 04 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 05
Describing Family Animals 05 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 06
Describing Family Animals 06 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 07
Describing Family Animals 07 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 08
Describing Family Animals 08 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 09
Describing Family Animals 09 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 10
Describing Family Animals 10 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 11
Describing Family Animals 11 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 12
Describing Family Animals 12 No Voice
Weather No Voice
Transports No Voice
Transport Dialogue 01
Transport Dialogue 01 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 02
Transport Dialogue 02 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 03
Transport Dialogue 03 No Voice
Direction 01
Direction 01 No Voice
Direction 02
Direction 02 No Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 01
Simple Direction Dialogue 01 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 02
Simple Direction Dialogue 02 Without Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 03
Simple Direction Dialogue 03 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 04
Simple Direction Dialogue 04 without voice
Colours No Voice
Size No Voice
Numerals Video 1: 0-10
Numerals Video 1: 0-11 No Voice
Numerals Video 2: 11-20
Numerals Video 2: 11-21 No Voice
Numerals Video 3: 21-30
Numerals Video 3: 21-31 No Voice
BSL Vs English Grammar
BSL Vs English Grammar No Voice
Rooms No Voice
Objects 01
Objects 01 No Voice
Objects 02
Objects 02 No Voice
Objects 03
Objects 03 No voice
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 01
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 01 without voice
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02 without voice
Numbers 01
Numbers 01 No Voice
Numbers 02
Numbers 02 No Voice
Using the number 01
Using the number 01 Without Voice
Using the number 2
Using the number 02 Without Voice
Using the number 03
Using the number 03 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Months Dialogue 01
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Months Dialogue 01 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 02
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 02 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 03
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 03 Without Voice
Home No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 01 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 01 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 02 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 02 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 03 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 03 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 04 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 04 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 05 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 05 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 06 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 06 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 07 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 07 No Voice
Work 01
Work 01 No Voice
Work 02
Work 02 No Voice
Work 03
Work 03 No Voice
Work Dialogue 1 With Voice
Work Dialogue 1 No Voice
Work Dialogue 2 With Voice
Work Dialogue 2 No Voice
Work Dialogue 3 With Voice
Work Dialogue 3 No Voice
Work Dialogue 4 With Voice
Work Dialogue 4 No Voice
Work Dialogue 5 With Voice
Work Dialogue 5 No Voice
Work Dialogue 6 With Voice
Work Dialogue 6 No Voice
Work Dialogue 7 With Voice
Work Dialogue 7 No Voice
Work Dialogue 8 With Voice
Work Dialogue 8 No Voice
Work Dialogue 9 With Voice
Work Dialogue 9 No Voice
School 01
School 01 No Voice
School 02
School 02 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 01 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 01 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 02 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 02 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 03 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 03 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 04 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 04 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 05 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 05 No Voice
Shopping No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 01 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 01 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 03 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 03 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 04 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 04 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 05 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 05 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 06 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 06 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 07 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 07 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 08 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 08 No Voice
Travel No Voice
Holiday 1
Holiday 1 without voice
Holiday 2
Holiday 2 without voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 01 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 01 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 02 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 02 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 03 WIth Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 03 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 04 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 04 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 05 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 05 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 06 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 06 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 07 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 07 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 08 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 08 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 09 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 09 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 10 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 10 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 11 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 11 No voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 12 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 12 No Voice
Hobbies and Activities 01
Hobbies and Activities 01 Without Voice
Hobbies and Activities 02
Hobbies and Activities 02 without Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 01 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 01 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 02 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 02 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 03 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 03 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 04 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 04 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 05 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 05 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 06 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 06 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 07 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 07 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 01 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 01 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 02 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 02 No voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 04 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 04 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 05 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 05 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 06 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 06 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 07 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 07 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 08 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 08 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 09 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 09 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 10 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 10 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 11 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 11 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 12 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 12 No Voice
Object and Shopping Story
Object and Shopping Story Without Audio
Home Story with voice
Home Story without voice
Food and Drinks Story
Food and Drinks story without voice
Activities Story 01 With Voice
Activities Story 01 No Voice
Activities Story 02 With Voice
Activities Story 02 without voice
Travelling and Holiday Story 01
Travelling and Holiday Story 01 No Voice
Travelling and Holiday Story 02 with voice
Travelling and Holiday Story 02 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests With Voice
Hobbies and Interests No Voice
40776 BSL Level 1 Introducing BSL
Introduction to the Course
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z No Sound
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z No Sound
Vocabulary 01
Vocabulary 01 No Voice
Vocabulary 02
Vocabulary 02 No Voice
Vocabulary 03
Vocabulary 03 No Voice
Common Names 01
Common Names 01 No Voice
Common Names 02 No Voice
Common Names 03
Common Names 03 No Voice
Greetings and Introduction
Greetings and Introduction No Voice
Question Signs
Question Signs No Voice
Opinions BSL With Voice
Opinions BSL No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 01
Introduction Dialogue 01 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 02
Introduction Dialogue 02 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 03
Introduction Dialogue 03 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 05
Introduction Dialogue 05 No Voice
Clarification No Voice
Taking Leave
Taking Leave No Voice
Taking Leave 01
Taking Leave 01 No Voice
Taking Leave 02
Taking Leave 02 No Voice
Taking Leave 03
Taking Leave 03 No Voice
Taking Leave 04
Taking Leave 04 No Voice
Taking Leave 05
Taking Leave 05 No Voice
Describe People
Describe People No Voice
Personal Information 01
Personal Information 01 No Voice
Personal Information 02
Personal Information 02 No Voice
Family Dialogue 01 with Voice
Family Dialogue 01 No voice
Family Dialogue 02 With Voice
Family Dialogue 02 No voice
Family Dialogue 03 With Voice
Family Dialogue 03 No Voice
Family Dialogue 04 With voice
Family Dialogue 04 No voice
Family Dialogue 05 With voice
Family Dialogue 05 No voice
Family Dialogue 06 With voice
Family Dialogue 06 No voice
Family Dialogue 07 With Voice
Family Dialogue 07 No voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 No voice
Family Dialogue 09 With voice
Family Dialogue 09 No voice
Animal and Pets 01
Animal and Pets 01 No Voice
Animal and Pets 02
Animal and Pets 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 01
Describing Family Animals 01 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 02
Describing Family Animals 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 03
Describing Family Animals 03 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 04
Describing Family Animals 04 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 05
Describing Family Animals 05 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 06
Describing Family Animals 06 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 07
Describing Family Animals 07 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 08
Describing Family Animals 08 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 09
Describing Family Animals 09 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 10
Describing Family Animals 10 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 11
Describing Family Animals 11 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 12
Describing Family Animals 12 No Voice
Weather No Voice
Transports No Voice
Transport Dialogue 01
Transport Dialogue 01 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 02
Transport Dialogue 02 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 03
Transport Dialogue 03 No Voice
Direction 01
Direction 01 No Voice
Direction 02
Direction 02 No Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 01
Simple Direction Dialogue 01 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 02
Simple Direction Dialogue 02 Without Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 03
Simple Direction Dialogue 03 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 04
Simple Direction Dialogue 04 without voice
Colours No Voice
Size No Voice
Numerals Video 1: 0-10
Numerals Video 1: 0-11 No Voice
Numerals Video 2: 11-20
Numerals Video 2: 11-21 No Voice
Numerals Video 3: 21-30
Numerals Video 3: 21-31 No Voice
BSL Vs English Grammar
BSL Vs English Grammar No Voice
40780 BSL Level 2 Introducing BSL
Introduction to the Course
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 1- Left- Handed A-Z No Sound
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z
Fingerspelling Video 2- Right- Handed A-Z No Sound
Vocabulary 01
Vocabulary 01 No Voice
Vocabulary 02
Vocabulary 02 No Voice
Vocabulary 03
Vocabulary 03 No Voice
Common Names 01
Common Names 01 No Voice
Common Names 02 No Voice
Common Names 03
Common Names 03 No Voice
Greetings and Introduction
Greetings and Introduction No Voice
Question Signs
Question Signs No Voice
Opinions BSL With Voice
Opinions BSL No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 01
Introduction Dialogue 01 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 02
Introduction Dialogue 02 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 03
Introduction Dialogue 03 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 04 No Voice
Introduction Dialogue 05
Introduction Dialogue 05 No Voice
Clarification No Voice
Taking Leave
Taking Leave No Voice
Taking Leave 01
Taking Leave 01 No Voice
Taking Leave 02
Taking Leave 02 No Voice
Taking Leave 03
Taking Leave 03 No Voice
Taking Leave 04
Taking Leave 04 No Voice
Taking Leave 05
Taking Leave 05 No Voice
Describe People
Describe People No Voice
Personal Information 01
Personal Information 01 No Voice
Personal Information 02
Personal Information 02 No Voice
Family Dialogue 01 with Voice
Family Dialogue 01 No voice
Family Dialogue 02 With Voice
Family Dialogue 02 No voice
Family Dialogue 03 With Voice
Family Dialogue 03 No Voice
Family Dialogue 04 With voice
Family Dialogue 04 No voice
Family Dialogue 05 With voice
Family Dialogue 05 No voice
Family Dialogue 06 With voice
Family Dialogue 06 No voice
Family Dialogue 07 With Voice
Family Dialogue 07 No voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 With voice
Family Dialogue 08 No voice
Family Dialogue 09 With voice
Family Dialogue 09 No voice
Animal and Pets 01
Animal and Pets 01 No Voice
Animal and Pets 02
Animal and Pets 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 01
Describing Family Animals 01 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 02
Describing Family Animals 02 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 03
Describing Family Animals 03 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 04
Describing Family Animals 04 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 05
Describing Family Animals 05 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 06
Describing Family Animals 06 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 07
Describing Family Animals 07 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 08
Describing Family Animals 08 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 09
Describing Family Animals 09 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 10
Describing Family Animals 10 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 11
Describing Family Animals 11 No Voice
Describing Family Animals 12
Describing Family Animals 12 No Voice
Weather No Voice
Transports No Voice
Transport Dialogue 01
Transport Dialogue 01 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 02
Transport Dialogue 02 No Voice
Transport Dialogue 03
Transport Dialogue 03 No Voice
Direction 01
Direction 01 No Voice
Direction 02
Direction 02 No Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 01
Simple Direction Dialogue 01 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 02
Simple Direction Dialogue 02 Without Voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 03
Simple Direction Dialogue 03 without voice
Simple Direction Dialogue 04
Simple Direction Dialogue 04 without voice
Colours No Voice
Size No Voice
Numerals Video 1: 0-10
Numerals Video 1: 0-11 No Voice
Numerals Video 2: 11-20
Numerals Video 2: 11-21 No Voice
Numerals Video 3: 21-30
Numerals Video 3: 21-31 No Voice
BSL Vs English Grammar
BSL Vs English Grammar No Voice
Rooms No Voice
Objects 01
Objects 01 No Voice
Objects 02
Objects 02 No Voice
Objects 03
Objects 03 No voice
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 01
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 01 without voice
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02
Objects Dialogue BSL object dialogue 02 without voice
Numbers 01
Numbers 01 No Voice
Numbers 02
Numbers 02 No Voice
Using the number 01
Using the number 01 Without Voice
Using the number 2
Using the number 02 Without Voice
Using the number 03
Using the number 03 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Months Dialogue 01
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Months Dialogue 01 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 02
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 02 Without Voice
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 03
Days and Months Dialogue Bsl Days and Moutns Dialogue 03 Without Voice
Home No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 01 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 01 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 02 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 02 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 03 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 03 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 04 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 04 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 05 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 05 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 06 With Voice
Questions and statements about Home 06 No Voice
Questions and statements about Home 07 No Voice
Work 01
Work 01 No Voice
Work 02
Work 02 No Voice
Work 03
Work 03 No Voice
Work Dialogue 1 With Voice
Work Dialogue 1 No Voice
Work Dialogue 2 With Voice
Work Dialogue 2 No Voice
Work Dialogue 3 With Voice
Work Dialogue 3 No Voice
Work Dialogue 4 With Voice
Work Dialogue 4 No Voice
Work Dialogue 5 With Voice
Work Dialogue 5 No Voice
Work Dialogue 6 With Voice
Work Dialogue 6 No Voice
Work Dialogue 7 With Voice
Work Dialogue 7 No Voice
Work Dialogue 8 With Voice
Work Dialogue 8 No Voice
Work Dialogue 9 With Voice
Work Dialogue 9 No Voice
School 01
School 01 No Voice
School 02
School 02 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 01 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 01 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 02 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 02 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 03 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 03 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 04 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 04 No Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 05 With Voice
Activities at School Dialogue 05 No Voice
Shopping No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 01 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 01 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 02 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 03 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 03 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 04 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 04 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 05 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 05 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 06 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 06 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 07 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 07 No Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 08 With Voice
Shopping and Spending Dialogue 08 No Voice
Travel No Voice
Holiday 1
Holiday 1 without voice
Holiday 2
Holiday 2 without voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 01 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 01 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 02 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 02 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 03 WIth Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 03 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 04 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 04 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 05 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 05 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 06 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 06 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 07 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 07 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 08 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 08 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 09 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 09 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 10 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 10 No Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 11 No voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 11 No voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 12 With Voice
Travel and Holiday Dialogue 12 No Voice
Hobbies and Activities 01
Hobbies and Activities 01 Without Voice
Hobbies and Activities 02
Hobbies and Activities 02 without Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 01 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 01 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 02 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 02 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 03 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 03 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 04 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 04 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 05 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 05 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 06 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 06 No Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 07 With Voice
Hobbies and Interests Dialogue – 07 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 01 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 01 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 02 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 02 No voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 03 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 04 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 04 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 05 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 05 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 06 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 06 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 07 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 07 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 08 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 08 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 09 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 09 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 10 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 10 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 11 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 11 No Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 12 With Voice
Food Drinks Dialogue 12 No Voice
27838 Building Your Own Computer Course Introduction to Computer & Building PC
Overview of Hardware and Parts
Building the Computer
Input and Output Devices
Software Installation
Computer Networking
Building a Gaming PC
Maintenance of Computers
21367 Bullying in the Workplace Module 01: Defining Bullying
Module 02: Why Bullies Do What They Do
Module 03: Building a Shield Against Bullies
Module 04: What to Do If It Happens to You
Module 05: Creating an Anti-Bullying Workplace
Module 06: The Law on Bullying
29666 Business Analysis Introduction to Business Analysis
Business Processes
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Strategic Analysis and Product Scope
Solution Evaluation
Investigation Techniques
Ratio Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis and Management
Process Improvement with Gap Analysis
Documenting and Managing Requirements
Career Prospect as a Business Analyst in the UK
60799 Business Development Fundementals: Lean Strategies for Business Lesson 01: Lean Startup And Strategies
Lesson 02: How Does It Help? Case Studies
Lesson 03: Basic Terms In Lean Studies Part-1
Lesson 04: Basic Terms In Lean Studies Part-2
Lesson 05: Lean Startup Principles
Lesson 06: Start Small And Experimentation
Lesson 07: Testing Of Ideas – Process
Lesson 08: Testing Via Minimum Viable Product
Lesson 09: Measuring Results From Experimentation
Lesson 10: Metrics Used In Measurement
Lesson 11: Strategy To Pivot
Lesson 12: Simple Case Study On Pivot
Lecture 13: Innovate And Accelerate
5117 Business English Masterclass Introduction
Management Speak Part 1
Management Speak Part 2
Applying for a Job
Job Interviews Part 1
Job Interviews Part 2
3563 Business Etiquette and Professionalism Skills Training What is Etiquette?
Always Be Your Best
Always Be Your Best When Meeting and Greeting
Types of Interviews
Planning for the Interview
During the Interview
Types of Meetings
Planning Conference Call Meetings
Meal Meetings
Instant Messaging
Five Steps to Dealing with Diversity
41220 Business Intelligence Analyst Course An Introduction to Business Intelligence
Real-time Business Intelligence
Fundamentals of Statistics and Data Science
Fundamentals of SQL
Database Management Essentials
Data Warehouse Concepts
Data Visualisation in Business Intelligence
Basics of Python
60988 Business Intelligence and Data Mining Module 01: What is Business Intelligence?
Module 02: Starting Case in understanding BI needs in diff phase of business
Module 03: Decision Making Process and Need of IT systems
Module 04: Problem Structure and Decision Support System
Module 05: Introduction to BI Applications
Module 06: Dashboard presentation systems
Module 07: Different Types of Charts used in 131 Dashboards
Module 08: Good Dashboard and BSC
Module 09: Examples of Bad Dashboards 1
Module 10: Examples of Bad Dashboards 2
Module 11: Process of KPI Development
Module 12: Overview of Data warehouse
Module 13: More explaining of data warehouse and steps in processing
Module 14: Data Warehouse Architecture –Tiers
Module 15: Data Warehouse – components
Module 16: Approach to develop data structure and Models of database
Module 17: Basics of Data Mining – Meaning
Module 18: Basics of Data Mining – Stages of DM
Module 19: Data Mining Technique – Classification
Module 20: Data mining – Clustering
Module 21: Data Mining – Association Rules
Module 22: Data Mining Applications – Banking
Module 23: Data Mining Applications – CRM
Module 24: Data Mining Applications – other industries
Assignment – Business Intelligence and Data Mining
28443 Business Law Understanding Business Law
European Community Law
The Court System
Civil and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Contract & Business Law
Employment Law
Agency Law
Consumer Law and Protection
Law of Tort
Business Organisations
Company Law
Business Property
Competition Law
33298 Business Management Introduction to Business Management
Operations Management
Introduction to Business Analysis
Strategic Analysis and Product Scope
Project Management
Business Development and Succession Planning
Planning & Forecasting Operations
Performance Management
Management of Cash and Credit
Managing Risk and Recovery
Quality Management
Communication Skills
Business Environment
Organisational Skills
Negotiation Techniques
Human Resource Management
Motivation and Counselling
Customer Service
Time Management
Conflict Managemen
60769 Business Model Canvas for Business Plan Business Model Canvas Brief Introduction
How Does It Begin And Starts
Problems Solving Opportunities
Customers And Value Proposition
Channels Of Distribution And Customer Relationships
Revenue Streams And Key Resources
Key Activities, Partners And Cost
Business Model Of ALIBABA To Explain Different Components
Business Model Of IKEA Explained
A Practical Example To Demonstrate How Different Components Work In A Business Model
Business Plan Component Executive Summary Key Things
Business Plan Component Executive Summary Key Things
Market Sizing Concepts And Financial Model To Calculate Market Access
Marketing Sizing Method
Rest Of Financial Model And B Plan
57886 Business Performance Management Module 01: Welcome
Module 02: Part 1 Introduction and Agenda
Module 03: Concepts in Business Performance Management
Module 04: The Purpose of Management
Module 05: Exercise: Mission and Objectives
Module 06: Part 1 Project
Module 07: Part 2 Introduction and Agenda
Module 08: Management by Objectives
Module 09: The Performance Pyramid
Module 10: The Balanced Scorecard
Module 11: The Lean Philosophy
Module 12: Benefits Realisation
Module 13: Part 2 Project
Module 14: Test your Knowledge 1
Module 15: Part 3 Measuring Managing and Improving Business Performance
Module 16: Exercise: Performance Measures
Module 17: Analysing Performance Data
Module 18: Operational Metrics
Module 19: Reporting Performance Data
Module 20: Improving Business Performance
Module 21: Exercise: More Performance Measures
Module 22: Key Learning Points
Module 23: Part 3 Project
Module 24: Test your Knowledge 2
Module 25: Part 4 Nightingale Care 1
Module 26: Part 4 Nightingale Care Suggested Answer 1
Module 27: Part 4 Nightingale Care 2
Module 28: Part 4 Nightingale Care Suggested Answer 2
Module 29: Part 4 Nightingale Care 3
Module 30: Part 4 Nightingale Care Suggested Answer 3
Module 31: Part 4 Nightingale Care 4
Module 32: Part 4 Nightingale Care Suggested Answer 4
Assignment – Business Performance Management
33036 Business Plan An Introduction to Business Planning
Setting Your Goals
Roles and Responsibilities
Outlining a Sketch
Organising a Business Plan
Structuring a Business Plan
Marketing Plan
Getting to Know Your Customers
Financing Your Business
Setting the Right Price
Building a Company Value
27272 Business Studies Introduction to Business Management
Operations Management
Introduction to Business Analysis
Project Management
Planning & Forecasting Operations
Performance Management
Management of Cash and Credit
Managing Risk and Recovery
Business Environment
Human Resource Management
Customer Service
51687 Business Teacher Introduction to Business Management
Operations Management
Introduction to Business Analysis
Strategic Analysis and Product Scope
Project Management
Business Development and Succession Planning
Business Process Management
Planning & Forecasting Operations
Performance Management
Management of Cash and Credit
Managing Risk and Recovery
Quality Management
Communication Skills
Business Environment
Organisational Skills
Negotiation Techniques
Human Resource Management
Motivation and Counselling
Customer Service
Time Management
The Skills of Teacher Leadership
Main Areas of Activity in Teacher leadership
28687 C# Programming Masterclass Introduction
Visual Studio
Print and read console
WHILE loop
FOR loop
Basics of a method
Basics of a class
Read line
Try and Catch
Split, remove, substring
More on construction
More on access
EXAMPLE – time converter
Read a text file
Write a text file
Serialize object to byte array
Async and await
Order, group and merge
Bonus lecture
28721 C++ Programming Masterclass Classes and Structs
Introduction to Pointers
Pointers and Array Indexing
Using Const with Pointers
Pointers to String Literals
Smart Pointers
Standard Library Strings
More Standard Library Strings
More Functions
Function Pointers
Control Statements
17824 Calculus Basics 1.1 Number Sets
1.2 Graphing Tools
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Functions
2.3 Evaluating a Function
2.4 Domain
2.5 Range
2.6 One to One Function
2.7 Inverse Functions
2.8 Exponential Functions
2.9 The Natural Exponential Function
2.10 Logarithms
2.11 Natural Logarithms
2.12 Logarithm Laws
2.13 Trigonometric Ratios
2.14 Evaluating Trig Functions and Points
2.15 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 What is a Limit?
3.3 Examples
3.4 One-Sided Limits
3.5 The Limit Laws
3.6 Examples
3.7 More Examples
3.8 The Squeeze (Sandwich) Theorem
3.9 Examples
3.10 Precise Definition of Limits
3.11 Examples
3.12 limits at Infinity
3.13 Examples
3.14 Asymptotes and Limits at Infinity
3.15 Infinite Limits
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Continuity
4.3 Types of Discontinuity
4.4 Examples
4.5 Properties of Continuous Functions
4.6 Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Functions
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Average Rate of Change
5.3 Instantaneous Rate of Change
5.4 Derivative Definition
5.5 Examples
5.6 Non-Differentiability
5.7 Constant and Power Rule
5.8 Constant Multiple Rule
5.9 Sum and Difference Rule
5.10 Product Rule
5.11 Quotient Rule
5.12 Chain Rule
5.13 Examples
5.14 Derivative Symbols
5.15 Graph of Derivatives
5.16 Higher Order Derivatives
5.17 Equation of the Tangent Line
5.18 Derivative of Trig Functions
5.19 Examples
5.20 Derivative of Inverse Trig Functions
5.21 Examples
5.22 Implicit Differentiation
5.23 Derivative of Inverse Functions
5.24 Derivative of the Natural Exponential Function
5.25 Derivative of the Natural Logarithm Function
5.26 Derivative of Exponential Functions
5.27 Derivative of Logarithmic Functions
5.28 Logarithmic Differentiation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Related Rates
6.3 Examples
6.4 More Example
6.5 More Example
6.6 Optimisation
6.7 Example
6.8 More Example
6.9 Extreme Values of Functions
6.10 Critical Points
6.11 Examples (First Derivative Test)
6.12 More Examples
6.13 Concavity
6.14 Examples
6.15 Second Derivative Test
6.16 Graphing Functions
6.17 Examples
6.18 L’ Hôpital’s Rule
6.19 Other Indeterminate Forms
6.20 Rolle’s Theorem
6.21 The Mean Value Theorem
6.22Application of the Mean Value Theorem
Resource – Fundamentals of Calculus
23042 Calculus: Differentiation and Integration 1.1 Derivative
1.2 Constant Rule
1.3 Constant Multiple Rule
1.4 Sum or Difference Rule
1.5 Power Rule
1.6 Product Rule
1.7 Quotient Rule
1.8 Chain Rule
2.1 Integral
2.2 Constant Rule
2.3 Power Rule
2.4 Sum or Difference Rule
2.5 Integration by Parts
2.6 Substitution Rule
60486 Canine Emergency Care Introduction to Canine First Aid
First Aid Kits for Canine
Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Resuscitation (CRP)
Dressing and Bandage
Canine Pododermatitis
Different Medical Conditions and Treatment of Canine
Preventing a Health and Safety Crisis
Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn Care
61021 Capital Budgeting & Investment Decision Rules Preview
Basics Of Time Value Of Money
Concepts Of Compounding, Discounting, Present Values
NPV Method Meaning And Decision Rules
Use Of NPV With An Example And Practical Life Limitation Of NPV Method
NPV Profile Of The Project To Understand Sensitivity
Payback Period Meaning And Calculations
Drawback Of Payback Period Method
IRR, Meaning And Method Of Calculation With Limitation
Example Of Demonstrate NPV And IRR Calculation And Inconsistent Result
Case Of Multiple IRR And MRR As An Attempt To Fix The Problem
How To Choose Between Mutually Exclusive Project
Choosing Project With Different Life
Choosing Project In Budget Constraints
Final Summary
Assignment – Capital Budgeting & Investment Decision Rules
20561 Career Coaching Diploma Introduction to Career Coaching
The Career Seeker
Ethical Aspects of Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring Models
Motivating Your Clients
The Coach/Client Relationship
Effective Communication Skills
Personal Skills
Management Skills
Functional Skills
Essential UK Employment Law
3644 Career Development of a Teaching Assistant Career Development
Skills of A Teaching Assistant
The Professional Standards for A Teaching Assistant
The Role and Responsibilities of A Teaching Assistant
Strategies for A Teaching Assistant
18794 Career Development Training Course introduction
Instructor introduction
Why it is important to prepare yourself
How to prepare an eye-catching resume
Resume Clinic 1
Resume Clinic 2
Navigating Application Tracking Systems (ATS)
How to market yourself using LinkedIn
LinkedIn Clinic
How to approach companies
How to research companies
How to read and respond to job descriptions
How to use recruiters
Mock interviews
How to use references and testimonials
How to prepare a 90-day business plan
Emotional intelligence and why it matters
Self-awareness and why it matters
Self-assessment and why it matters
Self-confidence and why it matters
Self-control and why it matters
Empathy and why it matters
How to make a good first impression
Body language during the interview
Common Interview Questions 1
Common Interview Questions 2
How to discuss salary and compensation
Online interviews
Recap and conclusions
Live career interview session
Live resume session
54915 Career Development Training: Copywriting Masterclass Lesson 01: How to Find Your Niche
Lesson 02: How to Find a Niche Market: A Step-By-Step Guide
Lesson 03: The Advantages of Having a Niche Market
Lesson 04: 5 Ways to Research Your Potential Customers
Lesson 05: 5 Simple Steps To Find Your Niche Market
Lesson 06: Ways to Narrow Down Your Niche Market
Lesson 01: 10 Reasons Why People Who Read A Lot Are More Likely To Be Successful
Lesson 02: The Importance of Written Communication Skills
Lesson 03: 5 Reasons why Feedback may be the Most Important
Lesson 04: What Copywriting Certification Programs Can Teach You
Lesson 05: 8 Online Tools That Will Improve Your Writing
Lesson 06: Why Should You Network?
Lesson 07: Why New Writers Should Enter Writing Competitions
Lesson 01: How To Get The Most Out Of Customer Polls And Surveys
Lesson 02: How to Identify a Target Demographic
Lesson 03: Learn Your Customers Habits
Lesson 04: 11 Ways to Provide Great Customer Service
Lesson 05: Your Small Business Competitors: Where to Learn About Their Customers
Lesson 01: The Easiest Way to Build Your Business Through Referrals
Lesson 02: What is a Paid Online Advertising Strategy?
Lesson 03: What Is a Portfolio Website and Why You Need It?
Lesson 04: Copywriting for Social Media: 7 Tips to Boost Engagement
Lesson 05: 5 Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use
Lesson 01: Break into the Self-Improvement Market
Lesson 02: Fundraising – Selling Your Services to Non-Profit Companies
Lesson 03: Health Copywriting– Working to Improve People’s Lives
Lesson 04: Financial Services
Lesson 05: Christian Market – Writing for a Higher Purpose
Lesson 01: Choose Your Own Working Hours
Lesson 02: The Newbie’s Guide to Making the Most of Remote Work
Lesson 03: Copywriter Job Satisfaction: Why Copywriting is a Good Career
Lesson 04: Why Copywriting Helps your Business and Adds Value to your Marketing Assets
Lesson 05: Potential to Earn Higher than Average Income
55039 CBT for Anxiety Disorders Module 1: What is Depression?
Module 2: Anxiety Disorders
Module 3: Constructivist Therapy and Other Therapies
Module 4: Principles of CT (Cognitive Disorders)
Module 5: Cognitive and Behavioural Techniques
Module 6: Practical İnterventions
Module 7: Psychoeducation, Exposures
Module 8: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Module 9: Early Behaviour Therapy
Module 10: Imaginal exposure compared with in-vivo exposure and their combination
Module 11: Cognitive Therapy compared to in-vivo exposure with ritual prevention
Module 12: CBT skills that are developed
Resource – CBT for Anxiety Disorders
55012 CBT for Children and Adults with Role Playing What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? How Does CBT for Children Work?
ADHD, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Trauma and PTSD
Is CBT an Effective Form of Therapy for Children? Eating Disorder, Defiant
Substance Misuse, Researching on Using CBT
Benefits of Using Cognitive Emotional Therapy
Effectiveness of CBT in 3-7 years old Anxious Children
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Epictetus, Areas of CBT App. 2
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Epictetus, Areas of CBT App. 2
Interventions, Cognitive Restructuring, Exposure, Relapse Prevention, Factors!
What are case conceptualization and treatment planning?
Orienting the Patient to Brief CBT, Initial Sessions, Patient Expectations
Problem Solving, Strategies, PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation), Deep Breathing, İmagery
Interview 1: Clarification (00.00-00.43 Minutes) and Paraphrasing and Reflection
Interview 2: Explaining Automatic Thoughts to Your Patient
Interview 3: Automatic Thoughts in Session
Interview 4: Automatic Thoughts between Sessions
Interview 5: What is behavioral activation, and why is it important?
Assignment – CBT for Children and Adults with Role Playing
29647 Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals (Mechanical Engineering & HVAC) Course Overview
Centrifugal Pump Components Explained
Centrifugal Pump Fundamentals
How Centrifugal Pumps Work
Centrifugal Pump Impellers
How Multistage Centrifugal Pumps Work
Final Thoughts
52698 Certificate in Data Entry and Management Introduction to Data Entry
Data Management
Using the Computer for Data Entry
Common Rules and Guidelines for Data Entry
Using Excel for Efficient Data Entry
Using Excel’s Flash Fill and Autofill to Automate Data Entry
How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel?
Using Statistics Packages in Data Entry
Navigate the Excel User Interface
Use Excel Commands
Create and Save a Basic Workbook
Enter Cell Data
Use Excel Help
Create Worksheet Formulas
Insert Functions
Reuse Formulas and Functions
Insert, Delete, and Adjust Cells, Columns, and Rows
Search for and Replace Data
Use Proofing and Research Tools
Apply Text Formats
Apply Number Format
Align Cell Contents
Apply Styles and Themes
Apply Basic Conditional Formatting
Create and Use Templates
Preview and Print a Workbook
Set Up the Page Layout
Configure Headers and Footers
Manage Worksheets
Manage Workbook and Worksheet Views
Manage Workbook Properties
5647 Challenging Behaviour of Young People Challenging Behaviour and Learning Disabilities
Key Priorities for Implementation
Children, Young People and Adults
Organising Effective Care
Risk assessment
Reactive strategies
15277 Change Management Change Management
Change and the Individual
Change and the Organisation
Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
Human Resource Management
Crisis Management
Conflict Management
Attention Management
Performance Management
Project Management
Risk Assessment and Management
Stress Management
60704 Changes in Accounting: Latest Trends Encountered by CFOs in 2022 Introduction
Use Of AI In Accounting
Cloud-Based Accounting Software
Digital Transformation
Workplace Wellness
Online Collaboration And Remote Workforce
Evolution Of Accountant Role, Data Visualisation And Data Security
Outsourcing, Tax Compliances And Other Changes
CFO Trends – Building Cash Resilience
CFO Trend – Creating An Effective Budget And Forecast During Uncertainties
CFO Trends – Using Automation And Digitalisation
CFO Trends – Aligning Business Model With Changing
CFO Trends – Hybrid Work Office And Culture
CFO Trends – Growth Through Innovation And Non-Finance Roles
Most Anticipated Changes In Accounting
The Trend For Focus By CFO 2022
52085 Charity Accounting The Concept of Charity Accounting
Accounting Standards, Policies, Concepts and Principles
Fund Accounting
Charity Reporting and Accounts
Trustees’ Annual Report
Balance Sheet
Structure of the Balance Sheet (PDF)
Demo Balance Sheet [Excel File]
Statement of Financial Activities
Demo Statement of Financial Activities [PDF]
Statement of Financial Activities [Excel File]
Understanding the Income Streams and Expenditure of Charity
Statement of Cash Flows
Template for Statement of Cash Flows [PDF]
Template for Statement of Cash Flows [Excel File]
Taxation for Charities and External Scrutiny
Things to Look Out for in Post Covid Situation
Assignment – Charity Accounting
52790 ChatGPT Complete Guide with Expertise Unit 01: Introduction
Unit 02: Foundation of ChatGPT
Unit 03: Role of ChatGPT
Unit 04: Tools to Use with ChatGPT
Unit 05: Statistical Verification of ChatGPT
Unit 06: Drawbacks/Limitations of ChatGPT
Unit 07: Significance of ChatGPT
Unit 08: Is ChatGPT Capable of Generating Pictures?
Unit 09: How OpenAI is Associated with ChatGPT?
Unit 10: How can ChatGPT Contribute to Digital Marketing?
Unit 11: How can ChatGPT Contribute to E-Commerce?
Unit 12: Will ChatGPT be Beneficial for Business People?
Unit 13: Pros of Using ChatBots
Unit 14: Use of Various ChatBots in Daily Life
Unit 15: Case Study on ChatGPT Expertise
52773 ChatGPT for Marketing and Productivity with AI Tools Unit 01: Start an Account with ChatGPT
Unit 02: What the Company OpenAI Say About Itself
Unit 03: What OpenAI Say About The Limitations of the Chatbot
Unit 04: Chatbot Prompt Examples Given By Open AI
Unit 05: Will Chat GPT Be a Paid Application
Unit 06: Chat GPT Idea Generation
Unit 07: Chat GPT – Idea Qualification and Accuracy
Unit 08: ChatGPT – Accuracy and Citations
Unit 09: Chat GPT – Creating HTML Instances
Unit 10: Chat GPT – How to Solve Specific Business Problems
Unit 11: Chat GPT – Statistical Verification of Information
Unit 12: Chat GPT – Rewrite Content for Different Contexts
Unit 13: ChatGPT – Content Checked With AI
Unit 14: ChatGPT – Simplifying Information
Unit 15: ChatGPT – How to Ask the Chatbot about Context
Unit 16: ChatGPT – How to Cross-Post Queries
Unit 17: ChatGPT – How to Narrow Down the Context of Your Query
Unit 18: ChatGPT – How to Solve a Business Process
Unit 19: ChatGPT – Developing a Methodology From Experts
Unit 20: The Future of ChatGPT
Unit 01: Autonous AI Agents
Unit 02: Connecting to Open AI
Unit 03: Getting an OpenAI Key
Unit 04: Agent GPT – Autonomous AI
Unit 05: GoalGPT – Autonomous Agents
Unit 06: Cognosis – Autonomous AI
Unit 07: Aomni – Autonomous Agent
Unit 08: Durable – Build a Website with AI
Unit 09: Eightify Summaries
Unit 10: Genei – Do Higher Quality Research with AI
Unit 11: Ellicit – Do Higher Quality Research with AI
Unit 12: Inciteful – Do Higher Quality Research with AI
Unit 13: SciteAI Determine the Credibility of Your Research
Unit 14: Eleven Labs – Voice Cloning
Unit 15: AgentGPT – Wrap Up and Return
Unit 16: Cognosys – Wrap Up and Return
Unit 17: Aomni – Wrap Up and Return
Unit 18: Goal GPT – Wrap Up and Return
Unit 19: Uploading Research Reports to Summarization Applications
Unit 20: Perspective on The Future of AI
Unit 01: Meta Search Sites
Unit 02: SMMRY for Summarzing
Unit 03: ChatGPT Plugins Waitlist
Unit 04: Using Microsoft Bing Search
Unit 05: Using Google Bard
Unit 06: Microsoft Word Speech To Text
Unit 07: Transcribe Audio in Microsoft Word
Unit 08: Speechify
Unit 09: Exact Image Creation
Unit 10: AI Design Tools
Unit 11: Learn How to Prompt
Unit 12: Content Improvement
Unit 13: Idea Generation
Unit 14: Audio Enhancement with Adobe
Unit 15: Clean up Audio With Cleaanvoice
Unit 16: Notion-AI
Unit 17: Pictory
Unit 18: Lex
Unit 19: ChatPDF
Unit 20: Conclusion and the Future of Generatie AI – Searchie
58340 Chemistry for Everyone Introductions to Moles and Concentrations Course
Masses of atoms and molecules
The mole and the avogadro constant
Percentage composition by mass
Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Balancing Chemical Equation
Solutions and Concentration
Calculation Involving Gas
Exercises on Moles and Equations
Resources – Chemistry for Everyone
21208 Chemistry Level 4 Advanced Diploma Module 01: Introduction to Basic Chemistry
Module 02: Understanding Matter
Module 03: Atom
Module 04: Chemical Bonding
Module 05: Energy
Module 06: Periodic Table
Module 07: Intermolecular Forces
Module 08: Gases
Module 09: Solution
Module 10: Chemical Equilibrium
Module 11: Kinetics and Equilibrium
Module 12: Acids and Bases
Module 13: pH and pOH
Module 14: Reactions Involving Acids and Bases
Module 15: Redox Reaction
Module 16: Electricity and Chemistry
Module 17: Inorganic Chemistry
Module 18: Organic Chemistry
Module 19: Biochemistry
Module 20: Nuclear Chemistry
Module 21: Industrial Chemistry
Module 22: Environmental Chemistry
Module 23: Laboratory Safety
Module 24: Chemical Hygiene Plan
3680 Child & Adult Speech & Language Disorders Certificate The Science of Speech
Child Speech & Language Disorders
Adult Speech & Language Disorders
How to Help a Child with SL Difficulties
19956 Child and Adolescent Counselling Course Counselling and Counsellors
Understanding Child Development
Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Theories and Models of Counselling (Part 1)
Theories and Models of Counselling (Part 2)
Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders
Counselling Children and Adolescents in Schools
Legal, Cultural and Ethical Issues in Professional Counselling
Counselling Stress and Anxiety Disorders
Counselling Trauma and Substance Abuse
Counselling Mood Disorders and Depression
Counselling Eating & Sleeping Disorders
Counselling Self-Harm and Suicide
Communication Skills and Empathy in Counselling
24983 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Introduction to Mental Health
Child Psychology
Attachment and Relationship Building in Childhood
Impacts of Separation and Loss on Attachment
Factors that Influence Development
Mental Health Problems In Young And Adults
Other Mental Health Problems in Young And Adults
Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia in Young and Adults
Dealing With Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia in Young and Adults
The Self Harming Behaviour
Mental Health Treatment and Medicine
Mental Health Over Life Span and Society in the UK
Mental Health Related Legislations in the UK
19622 Child Attachment Level 3 Introduction to Child Attachment
Introduction to Child Psychology
Fundamentals of Attachment Theory
Assessments of Attachment
Attachment Disorder
Attachment-Focused Parenting
Emotions and Mind-Mindedness
Interventions, Treatment and Support
26744 Child Behaviour Diploma Child Psychology
Attachment and Relationship Building in Childhood
Impacts of Separation and Loss on Attachment
Factors that Influence Development
Mental Health Problems In Youth And Adults
Other Mental Health Problems in Youth And Adults
Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia in Young and Adults
Dealing With Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia in Young and Adults
The Self Harming Behaviour
Mental Health Treatment and Medicine
10363 Child Care and Development Bundle Course for Teachers Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Stages of Language Development
Understanding Moral Development
Problems of Infancy
Problems of Childhood
Problems of Adolescence
About the Course and your Tutor
The Importance of Bonding
The Social and Emotional development: from birth to 1 yr
The Innate Reflexes of Newborn Babies
The Benefits of Testing at ‘Milestones’
Forms of communication
What is ‘Pre-linguistic’ form of communication
The Active and the Passive Communication
The Importance of Opportunities in Development of the Skills
The Importance of Body Language
Introduction to Child Psychology
Attachment and Relationship Building in Childhood
Impacts of Separation and Loss on Attachment
Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Stages of Language Development
Understanding Moral Development
Problems of Infancy
Problems of Childhood
Problems of Adolescence
59196 Child Care Complete Course (Care, Development, Nutrition and Nursing) Module 1: Understanding Child Development
Module 2: Care For Children
Module 3: Healthy Food, Healthy Living
Module 04: Keeping Children Healthy And Safe
Module 5: Child Protection
Module 6: Play, Imagination And Creativity
Module 7: Early Years Provision
Module 8: Children With Special Needs
Module 1: Introduction To Childcare And Nutrition
Module 2: Day-To-Day Child Caring
Module 3: Macronutrients
Module 4: Micronutrients
Module 5: Child Nutrition Requirements
Module 6: Child Nutritional Problems & Physical Activity
Module – 1 Introduction To Nursery Nurse
Module – 2 Observation And Assessment Of Children In The Early Years Setting
Module – 3 Curriculum And Developing Early Learning
Module – 4 Promoting Equality, Diversity And Inclusive Practice In Early Years Of Learning
Module – 5 Safeguarding, Protection And Welfare Of Young Children
Module – 6 Play And Learning In Children’s Education
10748 Child Counselling Course for Teachers About the Course & the Instructor
Definition of Counselling
The Counselling Relationship
The Development Cycle
Parent, Child, Teacher Relationships
The Complexities of Growth
Introduction – Psychological Development
Conflict and Stress
Behavioural Therapies
Working with Children
The Use of Language
Grief and Bereavement
Exploring Grief and Letting Go
Dysfunctional Families
What is Co-Dependency
Child Bullying and Child Abuse
Psychological Study of Education
Using Newly Found Skills
Recovery – The Therapeutic Process
Moving on – Emotional Intimacy
Setting Up a Practice
15088 Child Development Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Stages of Language Development
Understanding Moral Development
Order Your Certificate
53254 Child Language Disorder (CLD) Introduction to Child Language Disorder
Children with Specific Language Disorder
Acquired Language Disorders in Children
Language Disorders in Children with Intellectual Disability of Genetic Syndromes
Diagnosis Treatments for Child Language Disorders
Assignment – Child Language Disorder (CLD)
3669 Child Literacy & Language Development Diploma Literacy and Language Development
Child Speech & Language Disorders
Assignment – Child Literacy & Language Development Diploma
Mock Exam – Child Literacy & Language Development Diploma
Final Exam – Child Literacy & Language Development Diploma
32621 Child Neglect Awareness Training Introduction to Child Neglect
Signs of Child Neglect
Risk Factors for Neglect
The impact of Child Neglect
Child Neglect Cases
Legislation Surrounding Child Neglect
Responding to and Reporting Child Neglect
Prevent Child Negligence
41188 Child Playwork Introduction to Child Playwork
Playwork Theory, Principles and Practices
The Education and Learning Benefits of Playwork
Play and Playwork in a Health and Well-Being Context
The Economic and Social Benefits of Playwork
The Developmental and Behavioural Benefits of Playwork
The Negative Results of Play Deprivation
Inclusive Play and Challenging Play Environment
Designing Play Spaces
The Administrative Context of a Playwork Provision
Legislation for Safeguarding Children and Child Playwork
Reflective Playwork Practice
59876 Child Protection Annual Refresher 2022 Child Protection and Safeguarding Basics
Types of Child Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuses
How to Respond to Disclosure and How to Report
Recent Challenges, Pandemic and Safe Working Practices
Recent Changes in Child Protection Legislation, Statutory Guidance and Government Advice
10027 Child Psychology About your tutor
About the course
What is ‘Child Psychology’?
The Role of Child Psychologist
Where do Child Psychologists Work
Why do we need to learn theories?
Developmental Theories: What we are born with
Development Environment
‘Attachment’ factor in newborns
Socio-Cultural Factors in Child’s Development
The Role of Parenting in Child’s Development
Relationship Breakdown in the Family
Schooling Environment
Counselling Young Children
Language & Cognitive Development
Emotions & Feelings
Socialising with others
Thank You and Good Bye!
3548 Child Psychology & Child Care Essentials Certificate About the Course and your Tutor
The Importance of Bonding
The Social and Emotional Development: from Birth to 1 Year
The Innate Reflexes of Newborn Babies
The Benefits of Testing at ‘Milestones’
Forms of Communication
What is ‘Pre-linguistic’ form of Communication
The Active and the Passive Communication
The Importance of Opportunities in Development of the Skills
The Importance of Body Language
Mock Exam – Child Psychology & Child Care Essentials Certificate
Final Exam – Child Psychology & Child Care Essentials Certificate
3064 Child Psychology & Development Advanced Diploma Introduction to Child Psychology
Attachment and Relationship Building in Childhood
Impacts of Separation and Loss on Attachment
Factors That Influence Development
Cognitive Development
Social and Emotional Development
Personality and Intellectual Development in Children
Stages of Language Development
Understanding Moral Development
Problems of Infancy
Problems of Childhood
Problems of Adolescence
Mock Exam – Child Psychology & Development Advanced Diploma
Final Exam – Child Psychology & Development Advanced Diploma
15136 Child Psychology Development Training About the Course and your Tutor
The Importance of Bonding
The Social and Emotional development: from birth to 1 yr
The Innate Reflexes of Newborn Babies
The Benefits of Testing at ‘Milestones’
The Importance of Social and Emotional Development
The Ages and Stages that Children go through
The Main theories in Developmental Psychology
The Importance of Positive Role Models
The Barriers to Achieving the ‘Milestones’
The Importance of Unconditional Love
Forms of communication
What is ‘Pre-linguistic’ form of communication
The Active and the Passive Communication
The Importance of Opportunities in Development of the Skills
The Importance of Body Language
The Importance of Cognitive Development
The Main Psychological Theories in Cognitive Development
The Appropriate Opportunities for Cognitive Development
The Unconscious Mind: Id, Ego and Superego. Psychoanalytical Theory
Thank You and Good Bye!
Order Your Certificate
18778 Child Psychology: Neuroscience and Development The Theory of Psycho-social Development
Serve & Return
Practical Tips For Serve & Return
Fuzzy Trace Theory – Explains and Predicts Adolescent Risk Taking
Adolescent Risk Taking and the Prefrontal Cortex
Operant Conditioning – How Reinforcement Works and How it can help you
The Danger of Unearned Rewards (Habituation and Expectations)
Influencing behavior through linguistic cuing
Does violent media lead to aggressive kids?
Parenting Styles
Culture and seeing world
How childhood experience (ie violence) can result in choosing abusive partners
A Highly Regimented Life is a Very Stressful Life
Heritable vs. Inherited
Hormones and Development
Resources – Child Psychology: Neuroscience and Development for Parents
3972 Child Safeguarding and Protection for Teachers Introduction to Safeguarding
Laws and Guidance
Child Abuse
Child Sexual Exploitation
Risks and Risk Assessment
Responding to Disclosure and Reporting
Things To Do After Referral
Record Keeping
Mock Exam – Child Safeguarding and Protection for Teachers
Final Exam – Child Safeguarding and Protection for Teachers
65439 Child Safeguarding Level 1 Module 01: Introduction to Safeguarding
Module 02: Laws and Guidance
9386 Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Awareness for Teachers Introduction to Child Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse
Safeguarding Children from Sexual Exploitation
Risks and Risk Assessment
Responding to Disclosure and Reporting
Things to Do after Referral
Record Keeping
Mock Exam – Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Awareness for Teachers
Final Exam – Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Awareness for Teachers
50591 Child Trauma Care Lecture 01 – Definition of Disaster, Crisis and Trauma
Lecture 02 – Effects of Disaster and Traumatic Events on Human Psychology
Lecture 03 – Children and Trauma
Lecture 04 – Traumatic Reaction by Developmental Period
Lecture 05 – Helping Children After a Traumatic Event
Lecture 06 – Case Examples – Problematic Reaction
Study Materials – Crisis and Trauma Counselling in Early Childhood
7805 Childcare Diploma Understanding Child Development
Care for Children
Healthy Food, Healthy Living
Keeping Children Healthy and Safe
Child Protection
Play, Imagination and Creativity
Early Years Provision
Children with Special Needs
Mock Exam – Childcare Diploma New
Final Exam – Childcare Diploma New
55699 Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development in Young Children Part 1 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 2 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 3 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 4 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 5 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 6 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 7 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 8 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 9 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 10 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Part 11 – Early Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development
Study Materials – Childhood Moral, Personality and Sexual Development in Young Children
14112 Childminding Course for Teachers Module 01: The Early Years Of Childhood
Module 02: Caring For Children
Module 03: Promoting Health and Well Being Through Food and Mealtimes
Module 04: Keeping Children Well And Healthy
Module 05: Care And Development Of Babies
Module 06: Supporting Children’s Personal And Social Development
Module 07: Physical Development And Skills
Module 08: Learning Opportunities Through Physical Activities
Module 09: The Development Of Communication And Spoken Language
Module 10: Caring Children With Special Needs
10139 Children and Adolescents Counselling Course About the Course & the Instructor
Definition of Counselling
The Counselling Relationship
The Development Cycle
Parent, Child, Teacher Relationships
The Complexities of Growth
Introduction – Psychological Development
Conflict and Stress
Behavioural Therapies
Working with Children
The Use of Language
Grief and Bereavement
Exploring Grief and Letting Go
Dysfunctional Families
What is Co-Dependency
Child Bullying and Child Abuse
Psychological Study of Education
Using Newly Found Skills
Recovery – The Therapeutic Process
Moving on – Emotional Intimacy
Setting Up a Practice
13289 Children’s Book Writing Techniques Introduction to Children’s Writing
23192 Chinese ABC for Beginners Introduction Basic Greetings
The Basic Vocabularies You must know
The Overview of Chinese Language
How does Chinese language build up like the LEGOO game?
Our Unique way to learn Pin Yin in 10 Minutes
Basic Chinese Grammar
How to write Chinese Characters in 5 Minutes?
HSK 1 Advance Level- Test Your Chinese Vocabulary Level according HSK V2020-05
03 Learn How to Speak Mandarin Chinese in 10 Hours Part 3 Date and Time
HSK 1 H10902 L1 Q01-05 Listen and Choose the Correct Answer
14086 Classroom Assistant Training for Teachers Understanding the Development of Children and Young Person
Communication and Professional Relationships with Pupils and Family
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young Person
Chapter (i)
Chapter (ii)
Chapter (iii)
Chapter (iv)
Chapter (v)
Chapter (vi)
Chapter (vii)
Chapter (viii)
Chapter (ix)
Chapter (x)
Chapter (xi)
Chapter (xii)
Chapter (xiii)
Chapter (xiv)
Chapter (xv)
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teacher
Statutory and Regulatory Context for SEN
Principles and Practice of Leadership in Different Contexts
How SEN and Disabilities Affect Pupils’ Participation and Learning
Strategies for Improving the Performance of the Pupils with SEN
Whole-school Planning and Organisation
Teamwork for SEN: Roles and Functions
Planning for Individual Students with SEN
Teaching and Learning in the Inclusive School
Introduction to Autism
Causes and Diagnosis of Autism
Other Conditions Associated with ASD
In-depth Understanding and Dealing with Autistic Behaviour
Socialising and Communication
Choosing Schools
What Should Teachers Do?
Sex Education and Puberty
Interventions: Treatments and Therapies for Autism
Government policies on autism in England
What is ADHD?
Causes of ADHD
Diagnosing ADHD
Treating ADHD
ADHD and Education
Reasonable Adjustments: ADHD
Adults with ADHD
What is Dyslexia?
Identifying Dyslexia
Co-occurring Conditions
Diagnosing Dyslexia
Creating Dyslexia Friendly Environment
Solutions for Dyslexia
34461 Classroom Behaviour Management Course Understanding Behaviour & Relationships as a TA
Experienced TAs Maintain Strong Communications with the Students
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Children Having Special Education Needs or Disabilities
SEN Support
High Quality Teaching for Pupils with SEN
Providing the Best Learning Environment
10337 Classroom Essentials Bundle Course Introduction Teach Like a Champion
How to Avoid Students Disrupting the Class
How to Stop Distruptions Once They Begin
Choosing an Appropriate Seating Arrangement
Choosing the Best Communication System for the Class
The Critical Importance of Planning
How to Plan an Effective Lesson
How to Plan an Effective Units
How to Plan for the Whole Semester
Creating Effective Assessments
Efficient Grading Techniques
The Power of Formative Assessment
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Summative Assessment
Developing Healthy Relationships with Students
Communicating Effectively with Parents
Managing Management, How to Deal with the Boss
Psychological Tools for the Champion Teacher
Review the Key Ideas of the Course
Developing Healthy Relationships with Students
Communicating Effectively with Parents
Managing Management, How to Deal with the Boss
Psychological Tools for the Champion Teacher
Identifying Goals
Energy Distribution
Time Logs
Personal World View
Building Your Toolbox
Establishing Your Action Plan
SEN support
High Quality Teaching for Pupils with SEN
Factors That Influence Development
Problems of Infancy
Problems of Childhood
Problems of Adolescence
883 Classroom Management Course Introduction Teach Like a Champion
How to Avoid Students Disrupting the Class
How to Stop Distruptions Once They Begin
Choosing an Appropriate Seating Arrangement
Choosing the Best Communication System for the Class
The Critical Importance of Planning
How to Plan an Effective Lesson
How to Plan an Effective Units
How to Plan for the Whole Semester
Creating Effective Assessments
Efficient Grading Techniques
The Power of Formative Assessment
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Summative Assessment
Developing Healthy Relationships with Students
Communicating Effectively with Parents
Managing Management, How to Deal with the Boss
Psychological Tools for the Champion Teacher
Review the Key Ideas of the Course
3683 Classroom Management Training for Teachers Introduction Teach Like a Champion
How to Avoid Students Disrupting the Class
How to Stop Distruptions Once They Begin
Choosing an Appropriate Seating Arrangement
Choosing the Best Communication System for the Class
The Critical Importance of Planning
How to Plan an Effective Lesson
How to Plan an Effective Units
How to Plan for the Whole Semester
Creating Effective Assessments
Efficient Grading Techniques
The Power of Formative Assessment
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Summative Assessment
Developing Healthy Relationships with Students
Communicating Effectively with Parents
Managing Management, How to Deal with the Boss
Psychological Tools for the Champion Teacher
Review the Key Ideas of the Course
25340 Cleaning Specialist An Introduction to the Cleaning Job
The Diversity of Cleaning Jobs
Cleaning Equipment, Products and Clothing
House Cleaning
Food Kitchen and Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
Bathrooms and Toilets
Office Cleaning
Cleaning External Surfaces and Areas
Dealing with Non-Routine Waste
Chemical Safety, Keyholding and Alarm Codes for Cleaners
Planning and Starting a Cleaning Business
Running the Business with Quality Service
Customer Satisfaction
Management of Staff
Marketing, Advertising and Sales
Expanding Your Business
Business Insurance, Tax and Additional Equipment
53713 Cleaning Supervisor Module 1 The Diversity of Cleaning Jobs
Module 2 Cleaning Equipment, Products and Clothing
Module 3 House Cleaning
Module 4 Food Kitchen and Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
Module 5 Bathrooms and Toilets
Module 6 Office Cleaning
Module 7 Cleaning External Surfaces and Areas
Module 8 Dealing with Non-Routine Waste
Module 9 Chemical Safety, Keyholding and Alarm Codes for Cleaners
Module 10 Starting a Cleaning Business and Planning for it
Module 11 Running the Business with Quality Service
Module 12 Customer Satisfaction
Module 13 Management of Staff
Module 14 Marketing, Advertising and Sales
Module 15 Expansion Management
Module 16 Skills of an Effective Administrator
Module 17 Representing Your Boss and Company
Module 18 Organisational Skills
Module 19 Communication Skills
Assignment – Cleaning Supervisor
31765 Clinical Coding EPS
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Hemodialysis, MV, and CPR
Delivery Procedure
Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty
Abortion Procedure
Cardiac Cath
Ileostomy Takedown
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, converted to open and Robotic Procedures
Spinal Fusion
Cardioversion, Arterial line placement and IVC filter
Thyroidectomy (near to Total)
PICC line
Colostomy formation
Failed Procedures
17395 Cloud Computing Introduction
The Need for Cloud Computing
What is Cloud Computing – I
What is Cloud Computing- II
Benefits of Cloud Computing
CapEx Vs OpEx
What are Public Clouds
Characteristics of Public Cloud
What are Private Clouds
Characteristics of Private Cloud
What is Hybrid Cloud
Characteristics of Hybrid Cloud
Review and What Next!!
What is Infrastructure as a service
Use cases of IAAS
What is Platform as a Service?
Use cases of PAAS
What is Software as a Service
Key Concepts and Terminology
Economies of Scale
What is Shared Responsibility model
32791 Coaching & Mentoring – Level 5 Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring: Objectives & Processes
Ethical Aspects of Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring Models – Part 1
Coaching and Mentoring Models – Part 2
Effective Communication Skills
Personal Skills
Management Skills
Functional Skills
9987 Coaching & Mentoring Masterclass Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring Objectives and Processes
Ethical Aspects of Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and Mentoring Models
Effective Communication Skills
Personal Skills
Management Skills
Functional Skills
65448 Coaching and Mentoring Level 1 Diploma Coaching and Mentoring: Objectives & Processes
Coaching and Mentoring Models
55310 Cognitive and Social Development at Early Childhood Introduction
Lesson 01: The Cognitive Processes
Lesson 02: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
Lesson 03: Leiter International Performance Scale
Lesson 04: Theory Of Piaget
Lesson 05: Theory Of Bruner
Lesson 06: Information Processing Theories
Lesson 07: Theory Of Vygotsky
Lesson 08: Theory Of Bandura
Resource – Cognitive and Social Development at Early Childhood
30194 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Module 01: Getting Started with CBT
Module 02: CBT History
Module 03: Importance of Negative Thoughts
Module 04: Goal Setting
Module 05: Behavioural Activation
Module 06: Cognitive Restructuring
Module 07:Cognitive Restructuring: Step-by-step Plan
Module 08: Core Belief
Module 09: Changing Negative Belief
Module 10: Mindfulness-integrated CBT
Module 11: CBT in Procrastination
Module 12: CBT in Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Module 13: CBT in Fear and Phobias
Module 14: CBT in Panic Attacks
Module 15: CBT in Excessive Anger
Module 16: CBT in Eating Disorder
Module 17: CBT in Addiction
32639 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practitioner Training Introduction to CBT
CBT Theories and Principles
CBT Tools and Strategies
CBT Process
CBT for Personal Growth
Overcoming Anxiety and Depression
CBT for Children with Autism
58348 Cold Call to Boost Sales Unit 01: Introduction
Unit 02: What is cold calling?
Unit 03: Benefits of cold calling
Unit 04: Where to buy data
Unit 05: How to cold call a business
Unit 06: How to cold call the public
Unit 07: Scripts
Unit 08: Bullet points
28212 Commercial Law Introduction of Commercial law
Business Organisations
International Trade: the Theory, the Institutions, and the Law
Sales of Goods Law
Consumer Law and Protection
E-Commerce Law
Competition Law
24101 Communicate and Work With People From Other Culture Introduction
WHY this course matters
Who is Rachel
YOUR OWN Identity
Create your Fish Bowl. Fish3 jpg goes here
Fill in your cultural competence self-assessment
Know What to LEARN
KEY Culture dimensions
Language has many meanings
No Need to Fly Across the Globe
APPLY in Business
APPLY when Traveling/Abroad
The Golden Rule
Remember one thing
Tips and tricks to deal with cultures working/in business internationally
Next Steps
Bonus Resources
6171 Communication Mastery for Teachers PROMO Communication (BEST)
Introduction To Communication – Goals & Benefits
Key Principles Of Communication
We Are ALWAYS Communicating
Fundamentals Of Communication – Part 1
Fundamentals Of Communication – Part 2
Great Communication Tips – Part 1
Great Communication Tips – Part 2
Self-Talk & Powerful Language
Still MORE Great Tips! Part 1
Still MORE Great Tips! Part 2
Still MORE Great Tips! Part 3
Final Thoughts and Suggestions
9991 Communication Skills Bundle Course Identifying Basic Communication Techniques
Formal and Informal Communication
Describing Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Understanding Body Language
Making Effective Presentations
Fundamentals of Productive Meetings
Written Communication
Electronic Communication
Creating Graphics for Business Communication
Communicating Static Information
Communicating Dynamic Information
Representing Your Boss
Communicating Your Boss’s Decisions
Supporting Your Boss and Colleagues
Building a Partnership with Your Boss
The Mind Of A Consultant
Mastering Sales Is Mastering Life Skills
The Continuous Journey
Universal Laws Of Success
The Three Pillars Of Success
Personal Honesty
Deferred Gratification
Suppression Of Principle
Emotional Intelligence
Core Principles Of Emotional Intelligence
The Problem Is Internal
The Two Motivational Forces
Product Confidence
Sales Consultant Activities To Complete
The Negotiation Station
Core Principles Of Negotiation
Focusing On Them
Everyone Has To Win
Matching Values
The Path Of Least Resistance
Shifting The Weight
The Persuasion Secret
How To Persuade Someone
The Electric Car
The Fashionable Trainers
Competency Levels
Assessing Competency Levels
Features Benefits And Values
The Christmas Tree Negotiation
B2B Value Propositions
Deepening The Value
Over Decorating The Tree
The Big 12
Social Proof
Group Identity
Deflecting Fault
Ask For Advice
Compliment Their Negotiations
Off Set Values
Stepped Commitments
Fear And Hope
Ranked Priorities
Negotiating A Price
The Market Price
The Anchor Price
The Walk Away Price
The First Offer
The Counter Offer
Activities To Complete Negotiation Skills
Conflict Resolution
Getting Started
An Introduction
Introduction Case Study
C R Styles with TKI
C R Styles with TKI Case Study
Creating an Effective Atmosphere
Creating an Effective Atmosphere Case Study
Creating a Mutual Understanding
Creating a Mutual Understanding Case Study
Focusing on Individual & Shared Needs Case Study
Focusing on Individual & Shared Needs Case Study
Getting to the Root Cause
Getting to the Root Cause Case Study
Generating Options
Generating Options Case Study
Building a Solution
Building a Solution Case Study
The Short Version of the Process
The Short Version of the Process Case Study
Additional Tools
Additional Tools Case Study
Introduction – Welcome from Alan Stevens
Why Are Some Conversations Difficult?
Set-Up and Room Layout
How to Start the Conversation
Active Listening and Responding
Ask Open and Supportive Questions
Focus on Facts, Not Personalities
Use of Tone and Body Language
Exploring Alternative Solutions
Handling Challenge
Summary – What We’ve Covered
Thank You and Next Steps
32675 Communication Skills Master Class for Life Effective Communication
How to Talk to Anyone
Power of Storytelling
Becoming an Influencer
Importance of Body Language
Communication Skills for Job Interviews
Public Speaking
56262 Communications & Public Speaking for Beginners Quick, Ethical Ways to Cheat Your Way to Communication Success
You Are In Great Company – Find Out Who
GPS for Your Communications
You Will Be Motivating, Not Data Dumping
Exciting New Update to this Course
Getting Feedback So It Won’t Hurt
Yes, Even Beginner CAN Tell Stories
Powering Your Points with Images and Slides
Practice in the Friendliest Environment of All
Test Tubes for You
You Have Earned a Professional Critique
Time to Give TJ a Piece of Your Mind
You have Now Mastered Basic and Beyond Communication Skills
Extra-Tips on How to Get Over Nervousness and Being Scared
Intro – Public Speaking for Beginners
These Simple Secrets Will Make You Look Like a Public Speaking Veteran
You Will Never Have to Be Scared, Even Though Everybody Else Is
This Is How You Get Your Audience to Do What You Want
Unlock the Keys to Motivating Your Audience
Getting Feedback the Right Way to Make You Stronger
Mastering the Easiest Public Speaking Technique of All
Your Picture Will Be Worth More the a 1000 Words
Only Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
You Can Pass the Ultimate Test
You Have Earned a Personalize Coaching Session Now
Conclusion – You Are No Longer a Public Speaking Beginner
Intro – Presentation Skills for Beginners
4 Quick Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills In the Next Five Minutes
You Now Know the Dirty Little Secret of Presentation Skills
Never Waste Time Starting a Presentation Again
You Can Get the Audience to Do What You Want
Never Be Convicted of Death by PowerPoint
The Easy Way to Tell Relevant Stories
Your Own Free Focus Group
The Most Efficient Way to Practice You Presentation Skills
Passing the Ultimate Test
Now You Have Earned Personal Coaching
Conclusion- You Are No Longer a Beginner at Presentation Skills
The Video Advantage in All Your Proposals – Quick Win!
Hype versus Reality – Why Most People Never Create Simple Video
Mastering the Human Side Of Looking and Sounding Your Best on Video
How This Course Will Improve Your Business
Your Proposals will Stand Head and Shoulders above Your Competitors
Your Clients Will Find You Their Most Responsive Partner Ever
Your Website Can Be Video-Centric
Now You Can Answer Frequently Asked Questions Just Once!
Talk Your Customers through Your Whole Business Process
Have an Even Greater Presence on YouTube
Speak Your Thought Leadership
Your Exciting Video Newsletters Will Outshine Text Newsletters
Your Client Video Testimonials Will Prove Your Credibility Beyond a Doubt
Facebook Live Will Never Scare You Again
Project Your Best Face on Skype and Zoom
Deliver Keynote Speeches without Ever Leaving Home
Supercharge Your Public Relations Efforts with Video
The Crisis Communications Secret Weapon
Drastically Reduce Your Time Training Employees and Others
Anything You Can Type You Can Now Speak on Video
Conclusion – You are Now Ready to Use Video Successfully in All Communications
53522 Compassion Focused Therapy Introduction
Course Overview
Introduction to CFT
The Circle of Compassion
Therapists role in CFT
Connecting with compassionate qualities
Evolution old vs new brain
Three circle model of emotion and threat system
The drive system & the safeness system
The social shaping of the self
Attachment history & attachment style
Operant conditioning & functional analysis of behaviour
Respondent conditioning, social learning, and mindfulness
Mindfulness practices
Obstacles in mindfulness training
Working with self criticism
Method acting approach
Extending compassion
Compassionate letter writing
Compassionate thinking & reasoning
Feeling compassion
Creating safe place & chair work in CFT
Case formulation
29077 Complete Fitness Trainer Certification Course Promo
Alternative Promo
Introduction & What You Will Learn
Get To Know Your Instructor
How to Get Your Certificate
The Roles & Responsibilities Of A Fitness Coach
Anatomy Introduction
Nervous System
Bones & Joints
Muscular System
The 2 Types Of Muscle Fibers
Muscle Contractions Explained
Muscle Agonist & Anatagonist
Cardiovascular System
Client Assessment Intro
The Client Interview
Fitness Assessment
Harvard Step Test
Strength Test: How To Estimate Your 1 Rep Max
Resistance Training Overview
Bodyweight Training vs Weight Training
Bodyweight Fundamentals
Muscle Building Formula
Fat Loss Formula
Hypertrophy Explained: The 3 Types Of Muscle Growth
Weight Training Fundamentals
Progressive Overload
How To Create The Perfect Resistance Training
The 4 Fundamental Exercises For Muscle Growth
How To Warm Up Before Lifting Weights
Bench Press
Overhead Press / Military Press
Barbell Row
Pull-Up 2
Bodyweight Squat
Pull-Up 2
Cardio Introduction
The Different Types Of Cardio
Creating The Right Cardio Workout
How To Measure Heart Rate During A Workout
Weight Loss Exercising Myths
Cardio vs Weight Training – Which Is Better For Weight Loss
Cardio For Weight Loss
HIIT Explained
Hiit Workout
How To Warm Up Correctly
Flexibility Introduction
Most Common Stretching Mistakes
Static vs Dynamic Stretching
Sample Stretching Routine
53726 Complete Portuguese Language Course Do You Speak Portuguese
I Understand A Little Portuguese
Good Morning Miss
Don’t Speak Portuguese Very Well
Want to Learn Portuguese
Where Are You Now on The Street
Where Are You Now
I Want to Eat
You Have to Leave
I’m Thirsty
See You Later
Would Like to Eat Something
How Much Does It Cost?
Count From 11 To 100
What Time Is It
Its Midday
One Minute Please
I Am in A Hurry
I Am Late
God Be with You
Where Are You From
I Am from England
Countries Vocabulary
My God, I Am So Late
Where Do You Live
Near Far
As You Wish
Where Are You
I Am at Home
I Am Close to Work
I Live Close to The Subway
Jobs Vocabulary
What Do You Do for A Living?
Verb to Work
The Possessive Pronoun Feminine
I Don’t Work; I Am A Housewife
I Am Sick
The verb to Do and To Make
I Think I Am Sick
Do You Have Children
Need to Go to The Doctor
Wish You A Speedy Recovery
I Need to Go Out Section
I Am Going To Buy Things For Her
I Am Really Busy
Because Of The Children
There Are 10 Girls At My Work
My Wife Is At Home
Every Day I Walk To Work
They Are Brazilians
How Are You Guys Being
Where Are You Guys
They Are Leaving Because They Are in A Hurry
Where Are You Guys From
We Are Eating at San Paulo Restaurant
She Understands Portuguese Very Well
My Friend Doesn’t Want to Have Dinner Now
The Possessive Pronoun His
We Are Working A Lot These Days
I Would Like to Have Dinner with You
I Love You
How to Conjugate the Verb for Pronoun We in The Present Simple?
Pronoun We (A Gente)
What Do You Guys Do
How to Conjugate the Verb for Pronoun We in The Present Simple?
I Am Going Out with My Friend
Who Is Speaking?
The Possessive Pronoun Her
I Am Going Out with My Friends
We Are Going Out At 7.30
We are going out exactly at 10
It’s A Pleasure to Meet You
It’s Still Early
Let’s Go to The Mail
Leave It for Tomorrow
We Can Go to The New Restaurant
I Need to Buy Some Stuff
What Would You Like to Order?
I Will Order Meat
The Compound Future
The Food Is Delicious
I Will Take Orange Juice
Debit or Credit
Can We Pay in Doller?
Keep the Change
Do You Guys Want to Go Out with Us
What Would You Like for Dessert?
Is There Ice Cream
51836 Complete Training on Holistic Health and Nutrition Introduction & What You Will Learn
What is Holistic Nutrition
How Nutrition Can Improve Your Health
Common Myths About Holistic Nutrition
Most Common Beginner Mistakes You Must Avoid
Holistic Nutrition Priorities Introduction
The 5 Nutrition Priorities Explained
Calories in a Holistic Diet
Nutrients Overview
Macronutrients Explained
Protein Explained: Its Role in Health & Nutrition
Amino Acids Explained
How Much Protein Should You Consume?
Fat Explained: Its Role in Health & Nutrition
How Much Fat Should You Consume?
Carbohydrates Explained: Their Role in Health & Nutrition
How Many Carbs Should You Consume?
Micronutrients Overview
In-Depth Micronutrients
Why Micronutrients are More Important Than Macronutrients
Antioxidants, Oxidative Stress & Free Radicals Explained
Iron Toxicity – Why Your Low Blood Iron is Not a Deficiency
Copper Toxicity
Adrenal Fatigue
This Is The Best Protocol to Strengthen Adrenals & Heal Adrenal Fatigue
Ceruloplasmin Explained & How To Increase It
Foods Overview
What Makes Food Healthy
The Healthiest Protein Sources
The Healthiest Carbohydrate Sources
The Healthiest Fat Sources
Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Explained
Meal Timing Overview
Meal Timing Explained
Section Overview
How To Set Up A Muscle Growth Meal Plan
How To Set Up A Fat Loss Meal Plan
Anatomy Overview
Digestion And Nutrient Absorption Explained
How to Increase Stomach acid naturally
Liver Detoxification Explained
Nutritional Psychiatry Explained
Thyroid Health
Resources – Complete Training on Holistic Health and Nutrition