Top 10 Qualities of a Good Teacher: Every Teacher Should Have

Teachers are the nation’s builder and being a great teacher is one of the most incredible things that a man can be. Think about your favourite persons. There must be someone of your teachers in your favourite list. A good teacher is such a person who the students remember and cherish all life long by their hearts. Good teachers are the most important factor in a student’s life behind his achievements.

A good teacher is like a Lightbringer who shows the right path and plays a significant role in building and shaping a student’s life. If you are considering a career in teaching and want to be a good teacher, then you must know the qualities of a good teacher. Every great teacher has unique traits and characteristics. But there are some common personal qualities needed to be a teacher. In this article, you’ll learn about the qualities of a good teacher and how to be a good teacher. 

What Makes A Good Teacher?

The answer isn’t straightforward. There are a lot of qualities and skills that collectively take part in making a good teacher. However, the top 10 qualities of a good teacher have been compiled here to give you a clear overview. Here is the checklist for you. 

The Top 10 Qualities of a Great Teacher

1. Passion

Teaching is all about passion. Teaching isn’t such a profession that is suitable for all. It is appropriate only for the passionates. You need to have a strong passion for teaching if you want to be a good teacher and this is the first and foremost quality of a good teacher. Teaching is a challenging profession and these challenges are totally different from others. Without being passionate about this profession, you’ll lose your zeal and can’t enjoy it which will hinder you from being a good teacher. 

2. Communication Skills

Just like other professions, teaching also needs good communication skills. And communication skills are one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. As a teacher, you have to deal with your colleagues, students, their guardians and many more. Good communication skills will make your way easy to interact with them. Besides, you need to have a strong communication skill to be effective in your classroom. In your classroom, it’s more very important to deliver things right so that your students can understand everything. 

You may have strong subject knowledge. But if you can’t express it properly to your students, there is no use of your knowledge as a teacher. In this case, you need strong communication skills to deliver right what you know.

3. Listening Skills

Besides a good communicator, a good teacher is also a good listener. As a teacher, your duty isn’t only to stand in front of the class and deliver the topic. Listening well is one of the most important skills needed to be a good teacher. You should give your students spaces to talk, and listen to them what they want to express. This will help you to create a good teacher-student rapport which is important for both of you. 

4. Friendly Behaviour

Another necessary quality of a good teacher is friendly behaviour. Being friendly to your students creates trust and reliance among them. In a school or college, nothing is more beautiful than a strong teacher-student relationship and without having a friendly behaviour, you can’t build that relationship with your students. 

5. Adaptation Skills

Teaching is a constantly evolving profession and full of challenges. You may face curriculum change, inclusions of new syllabuses, and different teaching methods based on the authority’s demand. So, you need to cope with all of these changing conditions. Hence, you need to have strong adaptation skills to be a good teacher. 

6. Patience

Patience is one of the most important qualities of a good teacher. As a teacher, you have to deal with different students from different backgrounds and ages. Each of them has different needs and characteristics and you’ll find it challenging to address all of these. You may find some of your students aren’t getting the things right and taking more time to understand a topic with questioning repeatedly. Besides, some students can be indisciplined and cause trouble in the class. After all, there can be many things that don’t go as you want them. 

So, you need to have strong patience to work under these conditions and this is the behaviour of a good teacher.

7. Collaborative

Teaching means you’re not working alone at all. There are a variety of tasks where you need to collaborate with your fellows, students, and their guardians. This can be from curriculum development to taking classes. So, you should have a strong collaboration skill to be a good teacher. 

8. Motivation Skills

As a teacher, you need to keep your students motivated to stay on the right track and achieve their best. Your motivation and inspiration will lead your students to success, not only in their academic career but also in their every aspect of life. Great teachers have this strong skill of motivation and inspiration. 

9. Engaging Capability

Good teachers have a strong engaging capability. They can easily engage the students with their lessons. They present the subject in a way so that the students can relate them with it and have a hand on experience. This is very helpful in effective learning which is the goal of a good teacher. So, you should have the capability to engage your students with the topic that you’re going to teach them. 

10. Perseverance

Last but not least, perseverance is one of the most essential qualities of a good teacher. To be a good teacher, you have to be persistent with your goals. You should devote yourself to continuous learning to develop more and more. Because there is no end of learning even when you become a teacher yourself. Actually, perseverance is the quality that will lead you to achieve other qualities. So, you should have strong perseverance and willingness to learn to be a good teacher. 

Concluding Remarks

Concluding Remarks

Now, it’s time for wrapping up. After going through this article, you’re now well informed about the qualities of a good teacher and what makes a good teacher. Now you know what to do and which qualities you should have. However, there are many other skills and strengths of a teacher that you should achieve. So, it would be better if you take some skill development training. To assist you in skill development, Teacher’s Training has come up with a variety of online courses, including the Ofqual Regulated “Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET)” qualification. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s have a look at what we are offering to you.

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