Journey Towards Your Optimum Mental Health

Group of people practicing mindfulness for mental well-being, focusing on emotional resilience and balanced mental health.

Table of Contents


Are you feeling stressed or depressed? Are your work pressures taking a toll on your mental health? Then you have come to the right place! We’re here to support you and guide you to relax your mind. 

As you rest your body, you need to rest your mind too. A good mental health is the ultimate key to your success. So, dive into the world of peace and mindfulness with us. We will guide you to achieve your optimum mental health.

Happy reading!

What is Mental Health?

Mental health means your mental well-being. It involves the way you think, feel and act. The state of your mental health decides how you react to a situation, how you handle stress and communicate with others. Mental health is a human right. We might think stress comes eventually with the loads of work. But let me tell you that is not the case at all! It is high time to change that view and unleash the secrets of a better state of mind.

Why is mental health important?

Just like you take care of your physical health, you need to look after your mental health too. Mental health illness can affect your physical health as well. When you are anxious or depressed you cannot think clearly. Poor mental health can lead to sleep deprivation, fatigue, insomnia, headache, gastric issues, muscle pain, heart palpitation and low blood pressure as well. If you don’t have a good state of mind, you will not be able to focus on your work or studies. It will also affect your relationships with people. Having good mental health will help you with your self esteem and realise your self worth.

Mental Health Care Training
Develop essential skills in mental health care. Learn to support emotional well-being and promote resilience in others through effective training.
Child Psychology
Learn about applied and theoretical psychology as well as developmental factors to facilitate child wellbeing

Mental health disorder or mental health illness can be visible by a significant change in your thought process, the way you communicate to people or make decisions. It can change your mood and make it difficult to function properly at school, office or home. There are various types of mental health disorders.

  • Bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorder is a very common mental health issue. People who have bipolar disorder can have extreme mood swings. Sometimes they feel very happy or sometimes extremely sad. Suicide tendencies are also a common symptom of BPD. 
  • Depressive disorder (depression): Depressive disorder or depression is one of the most common mental health problems. Around 1 in 6 adults in the UK suffer from depression. Statistics show that women are more prone to depression than men. Anxiety, stress, loneliness, traumatic events etc can cause depression.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety is an emotion of fear, panic and uneasiness. It makes you feel nervous and anxious about any situation or event. Anxiety can have symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness or rapid heartbeat.
  • Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia is a mental illness and it causes hallucination, delusion and inappropriate behaviour. The person who has Schizophrenia believes something to be true despite there’s evidence to the contrary.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a behavioural disorder which can develop from past traumatic events such as sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence etc.
  • Eating Disorder: Another sort of mental health detriment is eating disorder. People with eating disorders either eat too much or too little. These symptoms can have a serious effect on physical health.
  • Suicide: People who have serious mental health issues often commit suicide. Suicide is a serious national issue in England. According to research, on average 15 people commit suicide in a day at the UK. Severe anxiety, very low mood, depression, negative thinking can lead to suicide.

Mental health issues are not a taboo

People with mental health issues think it is not appropriate to share their problems with anyone. They think of it to be a shame. But mental health is not anything secret. Just like our physical health we need to take care of our mental health too. Mental health issues should not be seen as a taboo. It can happen to anyone. 

There are iconic people in the world who also have struggled with their mental health. For example, Princess Diana had experienced an eating disorder named bulimia. She was also suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts and other mental health issues. But she didn’t hesitate to come forward and talk about it. The “People’s Princess” encouraged a lot of people about mental health and helped remove the stigma around the issue.

Mental health of adolescents

Adolescents can face an emotional roller coaster of highs and lows. Remember when you experienced your first love in your teenage? Or had your first crush? Life used to seem like a fairytale. Intense feelings are a healthy part of youth. But these intense emotions can lead to mental health issues too. These issues can be seen as anxiety, depression, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and self harm.

Mental health of children

Mental health issues can be a bit challenging for children. Experiencing any traumatic event in childhood such as separation of parents, getting bullied in school or sudden changes of environment can develop various mental health issues. Every child deserves a protected environment where they feel safe.

World mental health day

October 10th is World mental health day. It is an international day for raising awareness, mental health education and removing social stigma. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. 

Mental health awareness week

The Mental Health Foundation has been leading Mental Health Awareness Week by bringing together the UK to focus on getting good mental health since 2001. Each May, millions of people from every part of society take part. People from every sector celebrate the week including people in schools and further education; private, public and charity sectors; families and individuals.

Next year, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 12 to 18 May 2025. The theme will be announced closer to the week.

The Mental Health Act in UK

The UK has formed an act named The Mental Health Act. It is a law that tells people with a mental health disorder what their rights are and how they can be treated. The term “mental health disorder” is used to describe people who have: a mental illness. a learning disability. a personality disorder.

Career Opportunities

After studying mental health you can open doors for many highest paid careers. As much as people are dealing with mental health issues, there is also a dire need for professionals in this field as well.

The salary in this profession is also very high in the UK. The most experienced mental health nurses earn between £35,000 and £45,000. Senior mental health nurses can earn higher salaries of £42,000 to £59,000. The estimated total pay for a Mental Health Officer is £35,978 per year, with an average salary of £32,248 per year. According to Statistics nearly one in five mental health nursing posts were vacant with the percentage of those staffing gaps having increased from 13% to 18% between 2018 to 2024. Sounds interesting, right? Let’s see what are the career paths you can pursue by studying mental health.

  • Mental health nursing: Mental health nursing can be taken as a profession after studying mental health.
  • Caregiver: People who want to work as a caregiver can also benefit from studying mental health.
  • Mental Health Counselor: To support patients with mental health issues, mental health counsellor is a great career to start with.
  • Social Worker: Social workers dealing and working in the sector of mental health will need the knowledge and skills in mental health prospects. 


Finished reading? Excellent! Now you have all the information you need to better understand your mental health and maintain your peace of mind. 

You can also choose the promising career paths that are waiting for you! Helping and assisting people around the world with their mental health issues will let us create a world full of joy and equity. If you want to know more about the opportunities, stay tuned. Let’s make the world a better place and help others to obtain their inner peace.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Mental health conditions can cause you difficulties in all aspects of life, including relationships with family, friends and community. They can result from or lead to problems at school and at work. Globally, mental disorders account for 1 in 6 years lived with disability.

You can improve your mental health by doing the following.
a) Get regular exercise
b) Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated.
c) Make sleep a priority
d) Try a relaxing activity
e) Set goals and priorities
f) Practice gratitude.
g) Focus on positivity
h) Stay connected to your friends and family

There’s no sure way to prevent mental illness. However, if you have a mental illness, taking steps to control stress, to increase your resilience and to boost low self-esteem may help keep your symptoms under control.

Self-care is all about doing things that make you happy. Make a list of activities that bring you joy, such as reading, painting or going for a walk, and make time for them regularly. These activities can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

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